Seeley Lake photographer Zack Clothier takes international wildlife photography award

What does it take for the work of a small-town nature photographer from Montana to be recognized as among some of the best in the world? You need only look as far as Seeley Lake to find out.
This October, the winning images of the 2021 Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition were announced by the Natural History Museum of London. From more than 50,000 submissions, coming from photographers across 95 countries, Zack Clothier's photo "Grizzly Remains" was selected winning photograph for the "Animals in their Environment" category of the longest-running and most prestigious nature photography competition in the world.
"Your eye goes to the rib cage, moves to the antlers and then gets a jolt from the great grizzly head looming into view," Roz Kidman Cox, chair of the judging panel said of Clothier's picture. "It is a story picture: the harsh winter environment, the bear emerging from its hibernation den to make use of what food it can find. But what gives it the edge is the bear's expression. You cannot help smiling."
Clothier describes his achievement in simpler terms.