Related: About this forumCatholic, Lutheran Leaders Say They Will Defy Gov. Tim Walz's Order, Reopen May 26
Last edited Sat May 23, 2020, 04:28 PM - Edit history (1)
https://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2020/05/20/catholic-lutheran-leaders-say-they-will-defy-gov-tim-walzs-order-reopen-may-28/The heads of Minnesotas Catholic and Lutheran churches say they will defy Gov. Tim Walzs executive order and reopen on May 26 without adhering to the requirement of no more than 10 worshipers at a given service.
The law firm Becket released a statement early Wednesday evening on behalf of the Minnesota Catholic Conference and the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in Minnesota, citing the perceived hypocrisy of allowing retail stores, casinos, bars and restaurants to have a 50% capacity as a major reason to not follow the governors order.
Governor Walzs latest re-opening order allows the Mall of America to open its doors to those seeking retail therapy but disallows churches from providing spiritual healing to their congregations, the statement read.
... Why are churches limited to 10 people outdoors while hundreds of people can gather in the aisles of big box stores? Daudt said.
... Both denominations say they plan to reopen with only about a third of their congregation inside during services, and they will follow social distancing guidelines. (another article says additionally, "People would be spaced in pews, there would be one-way traffic, and no choirs." -Progree)
(Edit: adding this paragraph on 5/23) First, Kurt Daudt (R) (Minnesota House Minority Leader) is misleading when he says, Why are churches limited to 10 people outdoors while hundreds of people can gather in the aisles of big box stores?. Under previous executive orders, religious services were allowed indoors as well as outdoors, beginning May 18, and in Phase II beginning June 1.
As for the restaurants and bars stuff in the second paragraph of the above, actually only outdoor seating is allowed under Governor Walz's (D) order. No indoor seating. All this begins June 1:
As for the outdoors-only seating, restaurant owners say they were completely surprised by this, they had been preparing for weeks for limited indoor seating with restrictions as well as outdoor seating,
Edited to add this comment from ConstanceCee in reply #4:
(4,613 posts)be the death of us all
(751 posts)The willfully stupid are on their own.
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)Minny has more than enough Christo-Facist to go around.
(339 posts)"Lutherans" in this article refers to the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. This is a different church body than the larger Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. There are some big differences.
(11,541 posts)Salviati
(6,040 posts)... the Missouri Synod? Not so surprising...
The Velveteen Ocelot
(122,649 posts)is also asking its parishioners to die for a Sunday meeting with Jesus (or for the collection plate, more likely. Jesus never required human sacrifice).
Update: Yup, them, too. https://www.mprnews.org/story/2020/05/21/latest-on-covid19-in-mn
(6,040 posts)Why are churches limited to 10 people outdoors while hundreds of people can gather in the aisles of big box stores?
Because people don't hang out shoulder to shoulder, singing in the aisles of a big box store for an hour at a time.
I really hope that the wave of infections that irresponsible charlatans like this are going to inevitibly bring on makes people tune their bullshit meters a bit finer.
I mean there are Churches that care about the well being of the community and their parishioners, and there are Churches that only care about passing that collection plate. Guess which ones are maintaining online services and seeing how they can help the community during this time of crisis, and which are bitching and moaning about opening up against all god-given reason.
(40,915 posts)Disastrous Arkansas COVID Cluster Spells Trouble for Church Openings
(6,448 posts)Remember the passengers walking the wrong way on the "Poseidon Adventure"?
And consider the percentage of elderly vs. the rest of the congregation.
(11,541 posts)Matthew 6:5,6
And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the
hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the
synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they
may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They
have their reward.
But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy
closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray
to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father
which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
King James Version
(other versions shown, side by side)
(1,344 posts)Politics wrapped in a religious cloak.
If Donald Trump mandated anything which was defied by a religious denomination
or subgroup, you would hear the insane, hypocrites of the "religious right" citing this verse:
"Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government
anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the
land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow." -- Romans 13:1-2
Of course, they only refer to this scriptural verse if it supports Republican leaders -- never Dems.
(28,625 posts)Every now & then I turn on the more-Catholic-than-the-pope radio station to remind myself why I left & there is one host always ranting about the "culture of death". It appears the Archbishop is now endorsing that.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(122,649 posts)Today Governor Walz further lifted restrictions on houses of worship to allow for gatherings in church buildings up to twenty-five percent capacity. In the Episcopal Church in Minnesota, the policies announced as phase 1.5 of our re-entry plan last week remain unchanged. Small groups of those necessary to livestream worship from church buildings may do so if faith leaders so choose, and all other gatherings remain suspended. We know that cases of COVID-19 continue to rise in Minnesota, and that the most effective way to save lives is to stay at home as much as possible.