Saving White Bear Lake by Judge Marrinan and Sack Cartoon
A day after signing a landmark decision assigning blame for the dramatic depletion of White Bear Lake, Judge Margaret Marrinan was making the rounds Thursday at the Ramsey County Courthouse, handing out doughnuts.
Having just turned 70, it was her last day on the bench. A peppery pioneer who more than 30 years ago walloped at the polls a judge who referred to female lawyers as lawyerettes, Marrinan was hours away from becoming just Peg.
The White Bear Lake water case she ruled on Wednesday in which she held that the state had failed to respond vigorously to halt the depletion of the lake and aquifer and that science suggested suburban wells were helping drain it will echo for years. The long trial was fascinating but hard on her physically, she said.
I admit that I've often questioned the motives and agenda of the DNR, killing deer, for example, that wondered into the city, instead of tranquilizing and transforming to the country.