Hey kids! It's that time again get your entries in to the "Name a Snowplow" contest soon.
MnDOT brings back 'Name a Snowplow' contest for 2023-24
ST PAUL, Minn. The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) on Monday announced the fourth-annual "Name a Snowplow Contest," inviting members of the public to submit creative names for eight plows, one in each highway district across the state. Submissions will be accepted through Friday, Dec. 15, at noon.
MnDOT has a few basic rules for the 2023-24 contest.
1. One name submission per person. Entries are limited to no more than 30 characters (including letters and spaces).
2. Gosh darn it, nothing vulgar please. Any submissions that include profanity or inappropriate language will not be considered.
3. Politically inspired names (including phrases, slogans or plays on politicians’ names) will not be considered. The snowplow contest
is meant to be fun and lighthearted, nonpartisan and nonpolitical.
4. Past winners will not be considered. You can find a full list of past winners on the Name a Snowplow website.
Department staffers will review all submissions, select a list of the best ideas and invite the public to vote on their favorites in January 2024. The eight names that garner the most votes will ultimately be placed on a plow in each district,
Matt McNeil on AM950 was speculating that "Taylor Drift" will be a favorite this year.