Related: About this forumREVEALED: Charter school program favored by TN governor rewrites civil rights history (Hillsdale)
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NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) If Gov. Bill Lee gets his way, Tennessee will become a major player in a network of taxpayer-funded charter schools set up by a Michigan college with close ties to former President Donald Trump.
Lee calls Hillsdale College's approach to teaching civics "informed patriotism."
But the colleges' own teaching materials reveal why critics say its approach is anything but informed. For example, Hillsdale falsely claims that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. did not favor using the "force of law" to achieve civil rights victories.
"This curriculum has a political bent to it," said Nashville historian David Ewing, who reviewed the materials at NewsChannel 5's request.
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(34,562 posts)A Christian values school?
Horror at Hillsdale
In recent days, Hillsdale College a citadel of American conservatism has been rocked by a hideous scandal. The colleges longtime president, George Roche III, has been forced to resign. This is a scandal with many highly personal aspects, but one with certain public implications as well. National Reviews reporter John J. Miller has been on the scene. He is the only journalist who has spoken with President Roches son, George IV, a key figure in the drama. He is the only journalist who has seen George IVs police statement. He has talked extensively with Hillsdale administrators, professors, and students. President Roche himself declined to talk to Mr. Miller. It is largely on George IVs account that the below, exclusive report is based. A fuller version of this story will appear in the forthcoming issue of the magazine.
Hillsdale, Mich.
Shortly after noon on October 17, Lissa Roche unlocked her husbands gun cabinet and removed a .38 special. She stepped out of their kitchen door into the backyard, crossed the grass, and went through a wooden gate leading to the Hillsdale College arboretum. She proceeded down a narrow trail to an open hollow with a stone gazebo. She sat down, placed the barrel of the gun behind her ear, and pulled the trigger. When her husband, George Roche IV, arrived, her flesh was still warm to the touch; but she was dead. The suicide of Lissa Roche has reverberated throughout the entire conservative movement.
(23,653 posts)people of Tennessee understand the extent to which their govt is misusing state funds. Manipulating education is Fascism 101. Surely a lawyer with the historical facts could get this movement stopped.
(23,882 posts)Betsy DeVos is seeing the ideal education factory.