Related: About this forumWell, this Michigan House committee session is... something:
- Get COVID-19 vaccines (or flu/TDAP vaccines)
- Wear a mask
- Disclose their vaccination status
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A few tidbits from the thread:
He's suggesting COVID-19 is a manmade virus "in the works" for at least 2 decades. He's also suggests Dr. Anthony Fauci had a role in its creation.
Here's a study refuting all of this
Again, that's not supported by the vast majority of research and goes against expert consensus. In fact, substantial evidence refutes this
Jackson says "we've seen over 10,000 deaths whith hours or days after vaccine administration."
Multiple fact-checks have noted this is false:
She argues that vaccines do not prevent the spread of COVID-19. The CDC says vaccination helps slow spread
Parks argues that vaccines in general, not just the COVID-19 vaccine, can cause far worse syptoms if people are infected with a variant down the road.
That's not the consensus of the majority of experts and researchers.
Parks now suggests that certain vaccines may cause autism. (She alleged a certain study found this to be true but researchers shredded the results).
That's false. Lots of research showing vaccines *do not* cause autism

Eliot Rosewater
(32,676 posts)I consider them WORSE enemies than the Nazi soldiers of the 2nd world war, personally.
(8,434 posts)Moostache
(10,367 posts)To rid the world of them, we need to segregate them into their own little sandboxes and keep them there amongst "their people". Let them do whatever the fuck they want TO EACH OTHER BUT NOT TO EVERYONE ELSE!!! And that is the BEST option, everything else gets ugly very fast.
Other options require thinking like a hideous human being along the lines of Sharon "2nd Amendment Remedies" Angle (who has since been replaced by the likes of Lauren "Fauci-ouchie" Bobert and that hideous thing from Georgia with 3 names or the Herman Munster in training from Florida who can't keep his hands off of underage girls).
The point is it is nearly impossible to rationalize with the irrational or deal civilly with the uncivilized.
Eliot Rosewater
(32,676 posts)and the virus is contagious. The "contagion" factor means we literally cant leave them to their own.
They are going to kill a bunch of us, that much is certain. They are now.
OAITW r.2.0
(29,567 posts)Consisting of Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. Let them have all the freedumb that can stand. Unlimited guns, no taxes, no vaccines, no masks.
Check back in, say 20 years from now, and see if they want to rejoin the remaining US states or continue with their utopian ideal.
What a great social/political experiment that would be....
(10,367 posts)Think Dominican Republic and Haiti on Hispaniola. That is what is going to happen in Jesusland or the Neo-confederacy. States with rational actors should be able to cobble together a nation that simultaneously decreases its population, increases its average IQ and recoups BILLIONS in financial "aid" that currently gets sucked up disproportionately by those who do not contribute in kind.
I am only concerned with denying nuclear weapons to these fools and drawing up a contiguous border to allow a split into 2 nations instead of 3. The Northeast, the Great Lakes and the Pacific coast are home to the majority of what I consider "sane" actors in this country (yes, I realize that even there we have many pockets of lunacy to deal with)... but they are also physically divided by geography and distance - but, so is Hawaii, and that is still part of he current USA, so it CAN work without a common border I guess...
I am pretty sure Canada would like to have a buffered border between itself and the lunatic fringe 'Muricans...so maybe a deal could be struck that would allow the Neo-confederacy to exist but a contiguous border of the Rational States of America could be maintained to run the length of the Canadian border and join up the NE and Great Lakes states to the Pacific.
At any rate, things have not looked this bad in America since the 1850's and what followed that mess is unforgettable but possibly baked into the cake at this point.
(1,403 posts)The Michigan Legislature is dominated by Republicans. Thank god we have a democratic
governor, secretary of state, and attorney general. But there are far too many representatives
from little villages and rural areas ( you should SEE the trump signs still in rural areas). It's really creepy. Gerrymandering at it's best.
(38,995 posts)Just a few defections in either chamber would sink the bill and that's assuming the bill could even make it out of committee in the first place.. If passed, there's Gov. Whitmer's sure veto which R's do not have the numbers to override.