Ford just added 100 hidden-for-decades photos of concept cars to its online archive

Detroit Free Press) The hunt to find rare car photos of early prototypes, hidden for decades, just got a little easier.
Merry Christmas.
But be cautious about spreading the word. In January, when Ford Motor Co. did a photo dump of vintage F-Series pickup truck photos, fans crashed the computer system. The tech team immediately fixed the issue and took action to keep a shutdown from happening again by doubling capacity.
This time, Ford is revealing 100 new concept car images, including 45 new vehicles, to total 378 unique concept vehicles online. It looks like a study in futuristic automotive car design executed decades ago. Overall, the Ford Heritage Vault now hosts 1,844 concept car images from 1896 to 2021. Plus, the site includes all the old news releases and brochures for the concepts. ................(more)