Kansas mathematician Beth Clarkson's Show Me the Votes Foundation opens
from Beth Clarkson's 10/14/15 newsletter:
Show Me The Votes Foundation is open.
I've now got a non-profit foundation set up to take donations together with a gofundme site. https://www.gofundme.com/showmethevotes
I appreciate all the correspondence and interest I've generated with my quest for data here in Wichita. With your help to handle the inevitable legal expenses, I know I'll succeed.
Many Thanks to Paul Klusman, a master of the art of Internet Cat Videos, for being kind enough to put together the video. I also want to thank Eileen Jones for setting up the site. I don't know when I've have managed that.
Dr. Bob Scott, retired WSU prof and independent businessman and Denney Clements, http://www.amazon.com/Bleeding-Kansas-2-0-Denney-Clements-ebook/dp/B00MJDCJK0/ref=sr_1_1_twi_kin_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1444870503&sr=8-1&keywords=Denney+Clements semi-retired writer and editor have agreed to serve on my board of directors for the Show Me The Votes Foundation. In addition to covering expenses, I hope to have enough donations to be able to arrange to pay my employer for my time spent on this going forward. Bob and Denney will make sure the money goes towards this project and not to my bank account.
Beth Clarkson
Looking forward to tomorrow, date of the discovery hearing!