Related: About this forumLawmakers introduce bill imposing near-total ban on abortion in Kansas
Posted Jan 11, 2024 5:00 PM
(This guy looks like he came over on the Mayflower)
Legislation draws objections from abortion rights proponents and opponents
BY: TIM CARPENTER Kansas Reflector
TOPEKA Eight Kansas House Republicans introduced a bill crafted to implement a near-total ban on clinical abortions and forbid distribution of pharmaceutical drugs to end pregnancies, while also authorizing individuals to file lawsuits against doctors and others who helped someone obtain an abortion.
Concepts folded into the 59 pages of House bill 2492 were endorsed by Reps. Trevor Jacobs of Fort Scott, Brett Fairchild of St. Johns, Randy Garber of Sabetha and others all hardline opponents of abortion. The bill introduced Wednesday on the first day of the annual session did include an exemption allowing legal abortion for the purpose of saving the life of a pregnant woman involved in a medical emergency.
A bill criminalizing abortion was introduced during the 2023 legislative session in Kansas, but it failed to gain broad traction. These types of bills have been viewed as messaging tools given likelihood of a veto by Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly and the 2019 abortion decision by the Kansas Supreme Court.
The states highest court determined the Kansas Constitutions Bill of Rights included a fundamental right of women to make decisions about bodily autonomy that included termination of a pregnancy. The state Supreme Courts decision was tied to the Legislatures ban on a common second-term abortion procedure.
More at link, f**king Rs will never leave women alone even after the voters have spoken.

(162,443 posts)yup
(19,722 posts)People like that oppose abortion for a lot of reasons, but I think one reason that doesn't get talked about enough is the high they get off their own self-righteousness. They claim they are just trying to protect "innocent lives," but they don't mention how noble and important and superior that makes them feel.
And yes, I know outlawing abortion is about controlling women, but I don't think that's the only thing it's about. For those who enact abortion ban laws, it's mostly about keeping the wimminz in line, but for many of those who support these laws, I think the thrill of seeing themselves as noble crusaders for the "rights" of the "unborn" is a huge factor.
(5,094 posts)Pride goeth before a fall?
(19,722 posts)Demovictory9
(34,624 posts)KS Toronado
(20,972 posts)For another 4 years of Congress only talking about abortion
Vote Repug
And pray your grade school child doesn't need one to save her life.
OR Vote all repugs out and return sanity to Congress
(19,722 posts)At first, I said, "How can they pass a law like this, if the right to abortion is enshrined in their state constitution?"
Then I realized that if this law passes, they know it will be contested in court and they can keep appealing till it gets to the extreme court. And they're hoping the 6 extremes will rule in their favor.
This actually raises an interesting question. In the Dobbs decision, SCOTUS said, "Let the people and their elected representatives decide." But what happens if the people decide one thing (the constitutional provision) and their elected representatives come along later and decide something else? Sammy, Beer Boy, and the other 4 conservatives claimed that setting abortion policy should not be the job of the Supreme Court, but it looks like the joke may be on them.
Of course, they could always decline to hear the case when it gets to them, but how likely is that, I wonder? (Hint: Not very.)
KS Toronado
(20,972 posts)After the voters told them we wanted to keep it legal, hope it costs them at the ballot box.
(19,722 posts)They'll keep throwing that spaghetti at the wall until some of it sticks!
That is, unless they get voted out of office first, and I sure hope that happens!
(5,094 posts)to defeat banning abortion in this state. But the R's just don't listen to their constituents anymore. We won overwhelmingly. Repub women crossed over and voted with Democrats. And STILL the legislature opines it knows best.
My blood pressure rose just reading this, and remembering all the hard we did the first time around after Dobbs. But damn, this is damned red state, and they won't turn loose of these repub state congresspeople. There's always a reason to vote in someone like Kline, Brownback, etc. One thing I blame it on is too many damned churches. I can't go a block without driving past a church in this town... and sometimes two of them! They've even got a holy roller church planned for a house sized vacant lot a few blocks past my house.
These churches aren't teaching the gospel anymore. They're all politics all the time... and they should have their damned tax breaks taken away immediately!
Meanwhile, it looks like I'm going to have to do more hard work to get this damned bill defeated... that is, if they even put it to the voters (which I'm thinking they won't).
(229,844 posts)