Whenever we have a mass shooting in this country which is more-or-less every day, according to the FBI we hear Republicans mouth the same response.
Now is the time for mourning, they say, its not the time to talk about gun safety.
Anyone who disagrees is accused of politicizing the death of innocents. It is a sad and predictable ritual, but it is at least somber and mature.
Steve King, my representative in Congress and my opponent in the upcoming election, cant even bring himself to go that far. Unable to understand or even acknowledge the pain of others, he mocked survivors who had watched their friends bleed out on the floor of their high school. And he did it using the medium-of-choice for people who cant manage adult argument: Facebook.
It is astounding that a member of the United States Congress would deflect attention from an uncomfortable issue by insulting the appearance of a traumatized teenager. In its unthinking cruelty, it is the defensive tantrum of a child, the product of an undeveloped mind incapable of engaging with a serious issue on which serious people can disagree.
J.D. Scholten is a fifth-generation Iowan, a paralegal, a former professional baseball player, and the Democrat challenging Steve King in Iowas 4th Congressional District. Last quarter, #TeamScholten outraised Steve King nearly 2-to-1 and is building the movement to defeat him in November.