Related: About this forumGovernor Pritzker got two new bills that are great today!
Pritzker signs law removing time limit on sex-crimes prosecution
The Democrats action Friday eliminates a 10-year limit on initiating prosecution for criminal sexual assault, sexual abuse, and related crimes.
Gov. J.B. Pritzker signs law requiring one-person public bathrooms be gender-neutral

(35,361 posts)lunasun
(21,646 posts)DarthDem
(5,382 posts)Illinois is so lucky to have a Democratic governor back in office after Rauner. WTG, Gov. Pritzker!
P.S., one of the things I really admire about this man is that he is incredibly wealthy, but that doesn't stop him from being a liberal and recognizing that regular people need government's help.
(31,743 posts)One of the things I like about him is how accessible he is. He is always out with the public and he works hard.
(25,061 posts)had the political skill to get as much passed as quickly as Pritzker. I just didn't think a billionaire from a family like his would do as much good for people of low income as he has done.
(31,743 posts)he was endorsed by Our Revolution before the primary. I don't trust those people. They want to destroy the party and rebuild it in their own image. They could end up destroying our entire democracy if they throw our party into disarray. We need to win in 2020, at all levels of government.
We need strong, electable people right now. We need them at the state and local level even more than we need them at the federal level.
It will take years to clean up the mess 45 has made and we need as much unity as possible. I am not sure the mess will be cleaned up in my lifetime. Reactionary judges have been given lifetime appointments. Entire governmental agencies have been gutted. Our diplomatic service is in disarray, and our allies no longer trust us. Rauner was so much like trump that he left our state in disarray, too.
I would be more likely to have respect for Our Revolution if they were willing to work with experienced Democrats while incorporating some of their ideas into the existing fabric of our party.
I really hated that Biss wanted term limits. We need experience and seniority. Experienced incumbents will help and guide the younger Democrats who will help us change with the times.
The only thing I really liked about his platform was his ideas about pension reform in this state. We have a serious mess with our pensions. That problem was created by both parties refusing to fund pensions.
I felt that Rauner bought the election. His margin of victory was small. Pritzker, who is very wealthy, did fund his own campaign. But I saw him at work. I saw him everywhere. He reached out to every type of group in this state. He went to every rubber chicken dinner and picnic imaginable. He went into red areas and reached out to everyone.
Groups like Our Revolution and the so-called Justice Democrats do not understand how politics work in Illinois. They appeal to a very narrow group of idealists. Pritzger is meeting many of the goals of the idealists right now, even though he is early in his term. I wish groups like OR would do more listening and less shouting and pontificating.