Related: About this forumBruce Rauner: Chief Executive Outsourcer
Billionaire plutocrat Bruce Rauner is trying to buy his way into the Illinois Governor's Mansion...and he's ahead in the polls!
More on Rauner here (hint- he's another Rick Scott)
Donate here, if you wish, to support incumbent Democratic Governor Pat Quinn-

(6,096 posts)to get ahead in the polls in Blue-State Illinois.
(6,944 posts)As the poorest and most economically-vulnerable region of the state, southern Illinois was much more damaged by the Great Recession than other parts of the state, and it still lags behind the rest of the state in terms of economic recovery. Whether justified or not, there is a common perception down here that Gov. Quinn could have and should have done more to 'ease our pain', as it were, and has not done so. That is the major reason that Rauner leads among likely voters here.
(6,096 posts)Crain's Chicago Business is even tearing into Rauner...
The head of the firm's trading subsidiary last week was indicted by federal authorities in the case. The CEO of the parent firm in December was replaced in a company shake-up when news of the scandal first hit. But Mr. Rauner says he has absolutely no responsibility for that episode, that the key decisions were removed "five levels" from him, and that he can't be held responsible for the actions of a few "rogue employees."
Sorry, that just doesn't wash. If you run a big company, the buck stops on your desk. Just like it stops on the desk of Gov. Pat Quinn when a patronage hiring scandal erupts in the Illinois Department of Transportation, or prosecutors start asking questions about a grand anti-violence program that more and more looks like a political slush fund.
(6,944 posts)The only Democrat down here that enjoys much support is Sheila Simon.
(6,096 posts)I may be cynical, but lots of people are prolly going off of name recognition and "oh, that's that nice fella from the teevee".
Plus there are certainly some who have fallen for Rauner's "See, I'm just like you and wear a $17 plastic Timex watch".
Gidney N Cloyd
(19,847 posts)There's no shortage of wealthy repubs in Illinois yet "Mitt Rauner" keeps having to dip into his own pocket just to keep even with Quinn.
(6,096 posts)The subversion of the democratic process is inevitable when wealth and power concentrate in the hands of the few.
Plus his friends have deep pockets-
One of Chicagos wealthiest men, hedge-fund CEO Ken Griffin, has donated $2.5 million to Republican gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauners campaign, according to campaign disclosure records the largest single contribution ever from an individual to any Illinois political candidate, other than the candidates own self funding.
The $2.5 million contribution on June 11 brings Griffins total contributions to Rauner to $3.57 million.
(21,646 posts)suit their predatory motives well as gov