State Fights for Power Over Land Developers
By Sophie Cocke 08/02/2012
Hawaii’s attorney general is fighting back against a recent decision by a Big Island judge that critics say weakens the power of the state to hold developers to their promises.
Attorney General David Louie recently filed a notice of appeal challenging Circuit Court Judge Elizabeth Strance's ruling that the state Land Use Commission couldn’t revert a property’s urban land use classification back to agricultural because the developer had repeatedly failed to build affordable housing that the state required as a condition of its approval of the project.
The LUC’s decision last year to change the land slated for the Villages of Aina Lea back to ag halted development of the $250 million resort community and put in limbo housing that had already been built on the property.
Land use attorneys have said the move by the LUC was unprecedented and a rare case of commissioners finally taking a stand against developers who for years have failed to fulfill commitments that were instrumental in getting their projects approved.