Related: About this forum"It will not end here": Disney appeals judge's dismissal of Ron DeSantis lawsuit
"It will not end here": Disney appeals judge's dismissal of Ron DeSantis lawsuitJudge Allen Winsor, who the NYT noted was appointed by former president Donald Trump in 2019, in his ruling claimed that Disney "lacked standing to sue DeSantis and that the companys claims against the governors oversight board failed on merit," according to CNN.
This is an important case with serious implications for the rule of law, and it will not end here, a Disney spokesperson said on Wednesday, per CNN. If left unchallenged, this would set a dangerous precedent and give license to states to weaponize their official powers to punish the expression of political viewpoints they disagree with. We are determined to press forward with our case.
(1,867 posts)The SC has issued a number of very far reaching decisions that are based on nothing. No precedent supports them and seem to dwindle down to the almost parental malediction, because we say so
Bush v Gore, Citizens United, Shelby v Holder, Dobbsall decisions larded with statements of fact that were, in fact, not fact but bald assertions without any real support.
The federal courts have learned that these assertions often go unchallenged. If you say it, it then becomes true. Now we have a court claiming a lack of standing based on nothing and dismissing the case.
Another nonsense decision from a judiciary poisoned first by decades of well positioned Federalist Society partisan judicial candidates and then by grotesque executive branch irresponsibility.
The system is now fully compromised. Whether Disney can find a rational court to appeal this absurd decision to remains to be seen.
(6,618 posts)Actually, Disney is right in this case. The SCREWUS Court probably will disagree though.