Related: About this forumThat prick DeSatan-
Vetoed the money for our Beatles Museum. Just another reason to hate him.

(17,279 posts)Timeflyer
(3,032 posts)Vengence is mine, sayeth DeSatan.
(11,061 posts)greatauntoftriplets
(177,384 posts)Or does he just hate his hometown?
If one could share memories with a brick-and mortar museum, I'd send them mine about after attending the Beatles first concert in Chicago.
We ended up chasing their bus from the old Amphiteatre to the private aviation area of. O'Hare airport. At the end of the ride, one of the bus windows opened and George Harrison leaned out and waved at us.
My parents clearly had a good time in the Stockyards Inn bar while my friend and I attended the concert.
(3,968 posts)New College admin just kicked out the museum with barely a months notice to turn the place into office space and athletic fields. The school never had teams, just clubs.