District of Columbia
Related: About this forumThe sun will set in DC today at 4:48 p.m. A week ago, it set at 4:46 p.m.
(138,763 posts)

Backseat Driver
(4,663 posts)tunes (so lovely)! Here come's the sun! Well, maybe,--but the warmth, not so much yet--frigid single digits, possible extra windy at the end of this week via Artic Express. We might even have a White Christmas Eve/Day! as atmosphere mixes with southern flow. It's always about how it tracks. Better snow than lots of ice! Unfortunately, Winter won't be done here for a few months yet, undoubtedly with a few snow events of larger size.
(138,763 posts)at140
(6,156 posts)I always thought shortest day occurs on December 21st.
(13,506 posts)mahatmakanejeeves
(63,572 posts)nilram
(3,109 posts)Should be getting later, with a net loss of time. Its weird.
(17,770 posts)This post indicates the sun is setting later. So it appears the day is getting longer. But for total day light hours one needs to take the hour of the sunrise into consideration. Then the hour of sunset. The total time in between is total day light.
This is how it goes,.. as you can see the day is getting shorter until the winter solstice,.. then starts to get longer again after 12/22 - Wednesday of 2022.
12/11 - 9hours-32minutes of daylight
12/15 - 9...........30
12/16 - 9...........30
12/17 - 9...........29
12/18 - 9...........29
Here is another interactive chart with the details of sunrise/sunset info. This one is Farmer's Almanac.
(6,156 posts)It is the LENGTH of hours of sunshine which determines soltice day, not at what time sun sets.
(10,596 posts)Brave Helios wake up your steeds.
Bring the warmth the countryside needs.
(6,092 posts)Backseat Driver
(4,663 posts)IA8IT
(6,092 posts)Fullduplexxx
(8,434 posts)Walleye
(38,642 posts)magicarpet
(17,770 posts)This post is confusing. It appears by this post the sun is setting later - so the days must be getting longer.
But in reality the sun is rising later in the morning so the total daylight is less until 12/21/2022. Then the days start getting longer again. Until the summer solstice - the longest day of the year - then once again the day gets shorter and shorter.
(8,434 posts)mahatmakanejeeves
(63,572 posts)Sat Dec 3, 2022: Congratulations, DUers in Houston and New Orleans. You've just had the earliest sunset of the year.
Wed Dec 7, 2022: Congratulations, DUers near 40 deg north latitude. You've just had the earliest sunset of the year.
Posted by Bruce McClure and EarthSky Voices | December 3, 2022

View larger. | The shortest day is at the solstice. But the earliest sunset comes before the solstice, in early to mid-December for latitudes like those in the U.S. Likewise, the latest sunrises come in early January. This map shows the number of days between earliest sunset and latest sunrise, and the dates of the earliest sunsets and latest sunrises themselves, for various latitudes. The dates hold true around the globe. Map via Brian Brettschneider (@Climatologist49 on Twitter, or via Brian B.s Climate Blog). Used with permission.
Earliest sunset isnt on the shortest day
For the southernmost U.S. and similar latitudes around 30 degrees north latitude the earliest sunsets of the year are happening around now, because they come in late November and early December. For latitudes farther north around 40 degrees north latitude the years earliest sunsets will happen in the coming week, the week of December 5, 2022. For instance, that would be the latitude of New York City; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Kansas City, Missouri; Denver, Colorado; Reno, Nevada; Beijing, China; Madrid, Spain; and Naples, Italy.
Meanwhile, what about the Southern Hemisphere? At this same time, for 40 degrees south latitude, the years earliest sunrises happen this week, as you progress toward your longest day at the December solstice.
Then, closer to the Arctic and Antarctic Circles, the earliest sunset and earliest sunrise happen nearer the solstice.
Want to know the date of your earliest sunset (or sunrise)? Sunrise-sunset.org provides the sunrise/sunset times to the second, for locations around the globe.
In the District of Columbia (Group):
Tue Dec 7, 2021: Happy earliest sunset of the year: December 7
Mon Dec 7, 2020: Happy earliest sunset of the year: December 7
Yeah, I know it's been done. I'm doing it again.
Here's the relevant snippet:
Can you please remind us #LaymansTermsGang folks why the earliest sunset of the year is over the next few days and NOT on Winter Solstice 12/21? Thanks!
Link to tweet
Fri Dec 7, 2018: Happy earliest sunset of the year: December 7
** Give or take.
2018 update: I'm checking for New York City. The sunset has stalled at 4:28 p.m. for every day from December 3 until December 12.
December 2018 Sun in New York
It is worth looking at a thread from a few days ago, in which there was a discussion of the differences in sunsets according to latitudes:
It's almost pitch dark here in Boston, and the sky above the capitol is light. How can that be?
Previously at DU:
We have just had the earliest sunset of the year, on December 7.
Things vary, depending on where you live.
The earliest sunset in Washington, DC, occurs on or around December 7 or 8 in 2015. DC's sunset is stalled at 4:46 for over a week. New York City has the same sunset time, 4:28 p.m., for three days.
If you live in the northern hemisphere, the sunsets will be occurring later each day from now until June. The day on which the earliest sunset occurs is not the day with the least amount of sunlight. It is also not the day on which the latest sunrise occurs.
But, but.... What's the reason?
Earliest sunset at 40 degrees N. latitude on December 7
It seems paradoxical. At middle latitudes in the U.S. and throughout the Northern Hemisphere the earliest sunsets of the year come about two weeks before the solstice and the shortest day of the year.
Why isn't the earliest sunset on the years shortest day? It's because of the discrepancy between the clock and the sun. A clock ticks off exactly 24 hours from one noon to the next. But an actual day - as measured by the spin of the Earth, from what is called one solar noon to the next - rarely equals 24 hours exactly.
Solar noon is also called simply midday. It refers to that instant when the sun reaches its highest point for the day. In the month of December, the time period from one solar noon to the next is actually half a minute longer than 24 hours. On December 7, the sun reaches its noontime position at 11:52 a.m. local standard time. Two weeks later - on the winter solstice - the sun will reach its noontime position around 11:59 a.m. That's 7 minutes later than on December 7. ... The later clock time for solar noon also means a later clock time for sunrise and sunset.
Sunrise and Sunset, Washington, DC
You can check for any month you want.
Bonus link: Why doesn't the earliest sunset occur on the shortest day of the year?
Bonus bonus link: Equation of time