Energy Co-Chairs Hit Pause on Eversource Request To Borrow $700M
BERLIN, CT The co-chairs of the legislatures Energy and Technology Committee said theres no chance at this moment that they would allow Eversource Energy to borrow $700 million to cover the cost of Tropical Storm Isaias, the July rate increase, and COVID-related expenses.
Eversource wants the legislature, later this month, to approve $700 million in borrowing for costs it will eventually need to recover from ratepayers.
Doug Horton, vice president of distribution rates for Eversource, says lawmakers dont have to approve the proposal this month. He said it could wait until lawmakers reconvene in January, but he thinks its a good deal for ratepayers and theres no benefit to shareholders.
The idea is to allow the utility to securitize about $700 million in costs to ratepayers at a 2% interest rate over a 20-year period versus a 9% rate over a six-year period.
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