Embattled Baleshiski withdraws from race, RTCs look for new candidate
BERLIN - Steve Baleshiski has withdrawn his candidacy as the GOP candidate challenging Democratic House Speaker Joe Aresimowicz for the 30th House District Seat.
In a statement from Baleshiski sent by Stephen C. Kalkowski, chairman of the Southington Republican Town Committee, the 22-year-old Tunxis Community College student candidate from Southington said the following:
"I entered politics because of my deep concern about the direction of our great state and country. In my anguish and anger regarding several highly charged politically divided topics facing our state and our nation, I have used strong and inappropriate language. To Those who were hurt by my harsh words, I want to say that I am truly sorry.
"I have learned a great deal from this experience and I will no longer speak in a way that hurts or offends people. That was never my intention and I do not want these brash comments to define me as a person. I regret the pain that I have caused by my words.
Read more: http://www.bristolpress.com/BP-Breaking+News/336923/embattled-baleshiski-withdraws-from-race