San Mateo County supes approve March election to decide sheriff's fate
The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors has finalized plans for a March 2025 special election on ballot measure that, if passed by voters, would amend the county charter to remove Sheriff Christina Corpus, who faces mounting allegations of misconduct, including abuse of power and retaliation.
The board voted 4-0 on Tuesday, with Supervisor David Canepa absent, to pass the ordinance to initiate the special election, which would take place on March 4, 2025.
While supporters of the measure, including the San Mateo County Deputy Sheriff’s Association, see it as a necessary step toward accountability, critics argue that it undermines voter choice and sets a troubling precedent. Still, some believe that with Corpus refusing to resign, the measure offers the fastest route to address the growing concerns as calls for her removal intensify.
“For the people working at the Sheriff’s Office, this (March election) is far too late already,” said Supervisor Noelia Corzo, who co-authored the ballot measure. “They have already been harmed over time. … We need to protect them, and we need to do what is right for our community.”