CSU votes to erase 'Madden' from Fresno State library
FRESNO, Calif. (KSEE/KGPE) A vote by the CSU Board of Trustees confirmed Wednesday that the name of Dr. Henry Madden will be removed from the Fresno State library.
According to Fresno State, the library will be now referred to as the Fresno State Library, or the Library. University officials will work to remove the Madden name from signage, websites, and other locations as soon as possible.
The decision follows the revelation that Madden engaged in anti-Semitic and racist comments and writing. Professors at the university say the significance of the library's name only came to light when they accidentally uncovered a sealed archive from Madden, dating back to the 1930s.
According to Fresno State, a task forces five-month investigation reviewed 53 boxes of material containing more than 100,000 letters and documents that Madden had donated to the University's Special Collections in 1982. The task force also included a period of community comment. The analysis resulted in a final report issued in May.