Related: About this forumFEBRUARY PHOTO CONTEST Preliminary Threads posted in GD
Egads! I have just been caught in a server error snafu as I was posting the threads. It kept telling me to retry posting #3, so I did, and it turned out it actually WAS posting, but returning a message to me that it hadn't. I think it is now fixed--the multiple posts of #3 removed--and all the threads are active. I hope.
Anyway, here are the links
Preliminary thread 1
Preliminary thread 2
Preliminary thread 3
We have a wonderful array of photos depicting many forms of love in the contest. Thank you to all the photographers who entered!
Please keep the threads kicked!

Tom Kitten
(7,371 posts)Yeah I saw that. For awhile I was getting a cloudfare gateway error 504 that was coming from DU's end.
Seems to be fixed now!
(32,345 posts)I'd never seen that particular message when trying to post. My heart almost stopped when I feared I might have lost the entire post right in the middle of posting Prelims. Had the content of my post been gone, it would have taken me at least 15-20 minutes to reconstruct it, all while the first two preliminary threads had been posted. Host's nightmare.
Fortunately, everything resolved, eventually.
(153,145 posts)Everything looks beautiful. I was trying to post elsewhere and had no end of trouble during that glitchy problem. I cannot imagine your frustration!
Well done!
(32,345 posts)See my post #3.
At first I thought it was my network connection with my laptop .Got my phone and discovered that wasn't it. Realized it was DU. Still, couldn't have happened at a worse time right in the middle of posting Prelims. Two threads up and working properly, with the third thread totally not posting. Feared I'd lost the content of the thread as well. In the end, all was fixed. Still, a nightmare for a contest host.
(3,004 posts)Great Effort
(95,938 posts)I was voting and it took forever so I waited to go back leave a comment.