“The right to regulate has to be preserved” How We can make a bigger difference than anything else
The right to regulate has to be preserved
the US itself has set up a huge roadblock to health care reform - restrictive t--deals that block the elements of single payer systematically, which states run into - they frustrate state plans.
the first linked document is from Maine.:
Other states also face this same road block which needs to be address at the international level- BUT THE DESIRE TO DO SO IS THERE.
Who is blocking it- The United States!! That wasn't a typo. (Some context on existing US tr/ ade deals blocks to health care reform)
Carve outs urgently need to be placed in TiSA (the new negotiations they re talking about "Friends of Services"
To prevent the situation from becoming WORSE.
More info can be found in Europe at the TiSA negotiations- Europeans are fighting to be able to keep their public health care and education! .
I will add links here as I find them. Note- Europeans seem to be ignoring the earlier WTO services agreement- maybe they don't realize its there?