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Related: Culture Forums, Support ForumsAfter dead mouse removed from kitchen drawer, what steps do I take to clean the drawer so my utensils can go back in?
Just wash in hot water and detergent?

50 Shades Of Blue
(11,088 posts)unblock
(54,733 posts)we'd be looking at a full kitchen renovation!
(63,576 posts)really, Spic 'n' Span or dishwashing liquid and hot water ought to do the trick.
(6,384 posts)PoindexterOglethorpe
(27,441 posts)You could also wipe the drawer with bleach.
10 Turtle Day
(657 posts)I remember in a microbiology class we had an experiment where we had many different contaminants and strains of bacteria in Petri dishes and used a bunch of different cleaners on them. Bleach was the only thing that killed everything. I recommend using a bleach/water solution.
50 Shades Of Blue
(11,088 posts)Silver Gaia
(5,023 posts)If you don't trust that, get some Clorox spray cleaner with bleach, take it outside, and spray it down with that. It will go into any nooks and crannies. Let it air dry, then wipe it down with Clorox wipes. Wear disposable gloves to do any disinfecting of mouse contamination!
(49,185 posts)Was the mouse dry, decomposed, wet? What's the drawer made of? Plastic liner? So many factors to consider a response.
marble falls
(63,666 posts)... so MANY questions ............
(65,827 posts)SWBTATTReg
(24,963 posts)As some of our fellow DUers said, hot soap/water, disinfectant, bleach, perhaps all of the choices. Makes you wonder also where the little guy was at before too, in the other drawers too? in the Pots and Pans drawers? Yikes. I'd just start rewashing the dishes/kit. utensils/etc. again, perhaps through a couple of cycles in the dishwasher too.
Good luck too, on that it was perhaps the only mouse too? What I'm saying is that there is usually more than just one mouse.
(65,827 posts)SWBTATTReg
(24,963 posts)drawer too). I do have a mice problem too, I had 3 dogs, 2 of whom died since last year (they are 17, 18 years old, so it is sad here), and the mice got in from a filthy neighbor's house, and since have been impossible to get all of them. I won't use poison, until my last dog is gone (and she's on her way unfortunately), then we'll use poison, kill the mice left.
marble falls
(63,666 posts)SWBTATTReg
(24,963 posts)unc70
(6,366 posts)Most kitchen drawer units are open to each other. Into one drawer, into all the others.
Also need to locate and eliminate the access route.
(65,642 posts)VGNonly
(7,967 posts)a mild bleach spray, let soak a minute or so, then with warm to hot water and soap. Hantavirus is nothing to mess with.
marble falls
(63,666 posts)VGNonly
(7,967 posts)He was in Canyonlands NP Utah. He caught some small rodents and basically burned them a crisp to eliminate viruses.
A somewhat related note, I have a relative that caught Coccidiodomcosis (Valley Fever) another southwestern ailment. I can't really be cured, only treated.
marble falls
(63,666 posts)VGNonly
(7,967 posts)He was also a heavy smoker and drinker. Died at 63.
(27,873 posts)
(6,987 posts)Irish_Dem
(65,642 posts)Karadeniz
(23,955 posts)CTyankee
(65,827 posts)Karadeniz
(23,955 posts)mice as pets, so she probably talked about it when discussing the mice areas she created.
(65,827 posts)Karadeniz
(23,955 posts)cocker spaniel whom he adored. Handy got sick and the vet discovered Handy had licked up some mouse pee in a lower kitchen cabinet. Probably in New Orleans at the time, he'd seen a lot of it. That particular disease was fatal. Remember the native Americans in some SW state who died from something connected to mice?
(24,963 posts)Karadeniz
(23,955 posts)SWBTATTReg
(24,963 posts)recognize the traps and avoid them. Pisses me off!
10 Turtle Day
(657 posts)You twist it to set it. They have a spring action so once that mice is in it snaps shut. The mouse is dead and encased in the trap so you never have to see it or touch it. If the trap is closed, there is a dead mouse inside. Just toss the whole thing. Oh, and peanut butter is the best bait. They love it. One time when I was doing a lot of baking and had bought bulk size peanut butter for making peanut butter cookies and had it stored in a lower cabinet along with the bulk flour and sugar. The mice got into the flour a little but theyd chewed the lid edges of the peanut butter jar all the way around until they were able to get into the peanut butter. Theyd accomplished this in just a few days! Pissed me off I had to toss all of that. But those traps with peanut butter bait work great. I think they are Tom Cat brand.
(24,963 posts)Butter?! Yikes!! I guess I'll need to store it (the peanut butter, one of the items I stock up per my survivalist list, is peanut butter, four jars of it!). I rotate through it too, so it won't spoil, but for a mouse to chew thru a lid?!! Wow.
OAITW r.2.0
(29,568 posts)
Serious....had a mice infestation problem. Final count" 15. (3 drowned -1 in the washing machine and 2 in Skippa's water dish). The rest live trapped and freed for what would have most likely been a brief life.
Spray some bleach on the problem areas. Doing over my kitchen cubby area. Expecct to find a couple more desiccated mice remains.
yellow dahlia
(1,829 posts)But seriously. I live in the quasi country and have had my fair share of battles w/ mice. All the advice about cleaning and removing all trails, as well as cleaning all surfaces is valuable. Bleach is good. I often use vinegar.
Next you want to prevent further visits from mice. Finding the place of entry and plugging it is good. Peppermint and cinnamon are two things that discourage their presence. I spray peppermint essential oils in kitchen areas and closets and other locations. Love the smell of peppermint!
Good luck
(9,558 posts)Just spray with Clorox foam or pour Clorox -let it sit a few minutes and wipe. You might spray essential oils like peppermint around cabinets -
Man - I have so many electronic mouse traps - in my car, sheds, house, drawers - - Did you catch the mouse ?
or was it just dead - which would be weird.
How to Tell a Field Mouse and a House Mouse Apart
Field mice are dark brown or gray with a white belly, while house mice are a solid brown or gray.
Field mice are about 6 inches (15 cm) long with a furry tail. House mice are smaller, about 3 inches (7 cm) long with a scaly, hairless tail.
Field mouse droppings have pointed ends, while house mouse droppings are oblong and rounded.
Field mice are typically found in rural areas, while house mice are more commonly found in residential areas.
(11,699 posts)in a solution of hot water, Dawn detergent, and bleach. Kills just about everything. Place some cotton balls soaked in peppermint oil in the back of the drawer before you put everything back in. Mice hate the smell of mint. Replace those every couple of months.
The Madcap
(1,026 posts)You might need some dark meat after T**** wrecks the economy.
(65,827 posts)sanitized.
The Madcap
(1,026 posts)A source of valuable protein wasted...
(7,774 posts)Let it sit a while then wipe out. Hydrogen peroxide might also work.
If its an option, I would also re-line the drawer with new contact paper.
(48,734 posts)You must build a new drawer and buy new utensils!
(232 posts)Good advice here about using bleach and soap, and if you have a dishwasher, run everything through. Also good advice to check all the drawers and cupboards. I have had good luck with buying many packages of steel wool and thickly stuffing it and wrapping it around any places where I think they might have entered such as inside the cupboard under the sink where the pipes come in. Supposedly they cant or dislike chewing through it. Peppermint ideas mentioned work too. I also got a bunch of mint plants at the nursery and planted them in containers and set them outside on either side of my back door where I suspected they were squeezing in. I also beefed up the weather stripping around the doors. I live in a rural area so I think the feral cat population around helps, too. Get a box of disposable gloves you can wear and toss any time you have to deal with all of it. Good luck. Its such a pain you really wish you could take a flamethrower to it!
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