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Related: Culture Forums, Support ForumsQuestion not a joke . My husband received MM because of the cancer. It is a liquid that is put in a pipe. I have
been feeling nervous, He hasn't taken any and there is a large bottle of it in the kitchen. Would it be okay for me to smoke some.? Thank you. The last time I had some was opiated Hashish. I heard the pot today is way stronger then in 1979 . Is that true? Would it help me sleep?

OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)Did someone hijack your account?
(43,476 posts)OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)I got confused about the liquid, MM is something you both can appreciate. I highly recommend.
(10,588 posts)Do you want to smoke it or could she use a dropper?
(43,476 posts)knowledgeable, Hell I rolled my own .I just remembered it is a vipe
(10,588 posts)I hope it feels better
(19,734 posts)Deb, if I were you, and you want to try cannabis, I would not use this. get some regular weed instead.
Is that what you're asking?
(43,476 posts)thought is would good for the pain she would have prescribed it. She didn't. My leg is swollen and hurts like hell, and foot has blisters all over. They checked for a blood clot and I had the MRI, She told to drink more water and avoid salt.I keep seeing that bottle and thinking should a take some. I know my husband got some at the Marijuana store.
(19,734 posts)If so, I don't believe recreational weed is legal there?
If PA is anything like NY was before legalization...we were required to have specific diseases before medical (not recreational) cannabis could be prescribed by a doctor.
(43,476 posts)
(19,734 posts)then you might have to have a specific condition in order for it to be prescribed by a doctor.
In NY, I looked into medical cannabis before recreational was made legal here.
You had to have one of the specific diseases they listed in order for a doctor to be able to prescribe it. If you did not have one of the specified diseases, they could not prescribe it, even if they wanted to.
10 Turtle Day
(656 posts)But we have recreational pot now. Before that, to get MM you had to have a specific condition approved for MM use and see a doctor that was licensed to prescribe it. Not just any doc. My sister went through all that. She said doc met with her for less than 5 minutes before prescribing it. Then she had to fork out $ for a MM card so Ohio could get their cut in addition to the taxes on sales.
They make gummies specifically formulated for sleep. It helped for several weeks, then like anything, you build up a tolerance and its not as effective so I went back to melatonin. I dont want to double up on the gummies because I dont want to get high. I just want to sleep. I went to a dispensary while I was visiting in CA last summer and got some gummies supposedly for sleep. I got high as a kite and was up half the night thinking and seeing weird stuff. Absolutely did not like it. So, I think its a mixed bag.
(17,770 posts).... maybe go by the store as a potential customer who was thinking of buying some because you are excessively nervous. Ask questions, ask how you get some, and ask the clerk a bunch of questions so you can figure out if it is right for you. Ask them to help inform you so you can make an informed decision how to make an assesment and decide if it is right for you to give it a whirl. Any information they can share would be greatly appreciated.
(You might not want to mention about your husband's supply and how you were tempted to try some. That might make things awkward.)
(43,476 posts)10 Turtle Day
(656 posts)I accompanied my sister up to Michigan back when they had MM only. It was supposedly much cheaper there than in Ohio. I just went along for the ride because she wanted company. After a 4 hour drive, we get to the dispensary and the first thing were asked upon entering door is whether we both have an Rx for MM. I said I did not and was told I had to leave the building immediately!
So I was sitting in the car waiting and there were all these people milling about the parking lot. I thought they were shady until I realized they probably didnt have an Rx but were there with friends just like me.
(95,916 posts)Is too potent for you. Something less potent, smokable herb, low level indica is what you need. Even edibles might be too intense for you.
(43,476 posts)multigraincracker
(35,079 posts)over the counter at the local drug store. Worked better than any pain pill.
The poison is in the doze
(26 posts)Hemp is legal in 46 states I believe under the Farm Bill that was just renewed for another year. It was embraced by the lege here in NC. Hemp flowers sold as THCA flowers are pretty much the same as high quality marijuana buds and lab tests are required so you know exactly what you are getting. Google the Asheville Dispensary, they sell online and ship to your door.
(18,630 posts)A year ago I had pancreatitis. Feet, legs, hands and forearms blew up. Abdomen had pain like an SOB. I got Demerol and oxy. Hospital for 3 weeks, 3 months of dialysis and in a rehab for 9 weeks getting strong enough to walk again.
Don't mess around with swelling. I was limited on diet and drinks the whole time. I hope your getting blood work to check your potassium and such.
How's your husband doing?
(9,549 posts)Many drs will not recommend it if you dont ask.
My friend has MS and what really helps her pain is Valium & pot combined. I bake her cookies and she only takes tiny bites throughout the day. Start with one drop - if you have no effect, try two and so on.
You can also buy regular sugar coated gummies at the store and make your own gummies. Put some droppers of the liquid on the gummies and enjoy.
Being your husband has a MM card, have him go back to the store and buy some Indica flower.
Here in NM - our state is overflowing with cannabis- almost everyone I know grows a few plants. Luckily we have a progressive gov.
(1,370 posts)I would strongly encourage gummies as you can manage dosages much more easily.
For sleep, find an Indica strain, for pain during the day, Sativa with CBD.
I have gone through 4 back surgeries in the last 36 months with no significant improvement.
Should be relatively easy to get a MM card from the state.
10 Turtle Day
(656 posts)dwayneb
(971 posts)There is a big difference. If it is CBD oil of sufficient potency it will probably relax you - or may do nothing.
If is is a high THC concentrate oil, I would go very slow with that stuff. If will probably be similar or stronger than the hash that someone who isn't me or you might have tried back in the 70's lol.