The Legacy of Evangelicals: Their Own Flawed Doctrine Helped a Right Wing Extremist Demagogue Win the White House Again term "conservative Evangelical" covers a broad spectrum of the most diverse branch of American Protestantism that is set apart from mainline Protestants by its own definition of the term "liberal" when it comes to comparing and contrasting its doctrine and theology with the latter. It is also set apart from those denominations and churches that are historically African-American, or predominantly Latino or Asian, by both the racial makeup of the congregations as well as the predominance of Democrats among the membership of the congregations of color. So when I use the term "conservative Evangelical," or just "Evangelical," I'm referencing those who are mostly white, and who include right wing extremism as part of their doctrine and theology.
They've come up with some really convoluted, and outlandish excuses to try and disassociate themselves from his open moral bankruptcy that only make their heretical twisting of the Christian gospel, and the text of the Bible they claim is "inerrant and infallible," even worse. I've heard everything from, "I'm not voting for a pastor in chief, I'm voting for a commander in chief," to "Well, King David wasn't perfect either, and God still used him." These are fallacies that can't be reconciled to any legitimate, historical interpretation of the Bible, or practice of the Christian gospel. They look Christian, but there is no theological or doctrinal foundation to distinguish this intrusion of a licentious, ungodly intruder who perverts the word of God [see the book of Jude, verse 4].

(7,516 posts)surfered
(5,435 posts)Karadeniz
(23,963 posts)vankuria
(947 posts)Why Evangelicals hate Biden so much, given he is a true man of god, attend church regularly, is a faithful servant to the country and has always been a strong family man. Trump let’s you know everytime he opens his ugly mouth what a hateful buffoon he his and yet they love him, I mean there are those so heavily influenced by Christianity, they think he’s “anointed by god”.
(6,306 posts)as Signal Press points out, they miss giving the words of Jesus, recorded in the four gospels and in the book of Revelation, the interpretive importance they require. Their doctrine of inerrancy includes looking at the Bible as a singular, monolithic, authoritative whole, instead of examining the context of its contents, and interpreting each part of it with the understanding that, in Christian theology, those words of Jesus are direct revelation from God, and his presence in the world was the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. Their focus is on the standards of holiness and then on judging people based on their perspective of whether they've met them or not. Jesus very clearly eliminated the ability of humans to judge each other''s internal spiritual life, and he focused Christian practice on a few basic principles, the two most important ones being "Loving God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind," and "Loving your neighbor as yourself." He equated these two, called them commandments, and based everything else he taught on their practice.
Biden, a Catholic, clearly takes the principles of Christian living seriously and puts them into practice without wearing them on his sleeve. He's not self-righteous, he simply puts the principles and values of his faith into practice, much like Jimmy Carter did. Evangelicals are harshly critical and dismissive of Catholics, make multiple false claims about the church and its doctrine, which came into existence with the Edict of Thessalonica under Roman emperor Theodosius I, and is the heir to the Nicene Christianity that became the state church of Rome. So yeah, there are some theological errors in there, and some cultural practices that came with institutional Catholicism. But the Catholic church still teaches and practices conversion by grace, through faith, and has, through many of its orders, worked a lot of the Roman culture and influence out of its doctrine over time. Biden's personal and moral lifestyle certainly exhibits visible characteristics of Christianity, compared to Trump. I'm not going to judge Trump, but by his own words declaring he has done nothing requiring God's forgiveness, he states he is not Christian and places himself outside the Christian church. There is not any virtue or value in the Christian gospel, taught by Christ, that he exhibits.
(1,780 posts)started. He accepted women as equals. Big sins.