Today's Tiedrich rant: Morning Joe's ratings are now in the shitter. boo fucking hoo.

Nielsen data shows that 56 minutes after the hosts began explaining their trip to the Trump residence, viewing figures began to tumble.
Between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m., they had fallen 17 percent from 839,000 to 694,000. Among the 25- to 54-year-old age group, viewing figures plummeted by 38 percent.
oh dear, it seems that were going to kowtow to fascism isnt what people tune into MSNBC for. no one could have predicted this, am I right?
news flash for Joe and Mika: no one wants this shit shoved in their faces right now. read the room. people are hurt and angry. theyre trying to figure out what the fuck to do next. this is a time for bringing people together and building communities. nobody is in the mood to hear about how we need to give Donny a do-over. fuck that shit.
so, has Joe learned anything from the pummeling his show has taken in the ratings? fuck no it was all a social media nothingburger, he says.
Right on, Jeff Tiedrich! What I don't get and nobody has explained this: Why does Joe Scarborough get 4 hours every weekday? From 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. Monday thru Friday! I can't even listen to that guy for 10 minutes. MSNBC audiences would be better served by a replay of the previous night's shows, Lawrence O'Donnell, Joy Reed, Chris, Rachel or Stephanie.
Let the early morning viewers experience the best of the best from the night before. The news is still fresh at 6 a.m. the next day. If you can't do that MSNBC, then how about 4 hours of "paid programming"? (But that's my opinion, not Tiedrich's.)
Please read the rest on "Everyone is entitled to my own opinion."

(5,180 posts)Maybe they'll get thrown off MSNBC.
(2,114 posts)Who what where when how.
I can't stand pundits and these phony journo heads who make millions creating a commodity aka Comcast News.
(29,692 posts)Many thanks to Jeff Tiedrich for that eloquent response.
(15,725 posts)MSNBC gave him four hours after comparing his ratings to those who follow. Joes ratings were better and people who tuned into his show were more likely to stick around for the next shows. All business all the time.
(36,836 posts)Or maybe it's people just getting home off a late shift, not ready to go to bed yet? I don't know.
I'm not much of a morning person, and it's very easy for me to skip Joe & Mika.
(162,408 posts)fuck the both of them, fucking COWARDS
(36,836 posts)He's a terrible interviewer, always cutting off his guests, usually arguing with them too.
Only HIS opinion matters. Sheesh!
(162,408 posts)I cannot even take a few minutes of either one of them.
(896 posts)I never looked at TV before I went to work. One rare exception a flash of TV on 9/11. After I quit working, I sleep in way past the time they were on the air!
All I know about them is from watching DU or the internet.