Among American media, Stephanie Miller is exhibiting rare courage. is one of just a few media personalities whom I now trust to tell me the truth. She hasn't backed down. She's shared the same fears and feelings we all had when the election results were announced and the same sense of being lost, not knowing what to do, and wondering where we are headed. But she's remain steadfast in her convictions, and her approach, the manner in which she delivers her message, and the truth she tells, and nothing has changed in spite of her clear awareness of any and all possibilities as Trump's administration settles in.
When I tuned in and listened to her program the morning after the election, I cried. Not because I was disappointed in the results, though I had cried about that earlier, but because I was listening to some truly genuine people who thought like I thought, and who were expressing the same feelings, in public, on the air, as I was feeling at that very moment. I've been tuned in every morning since then. I work in an environment that would get pretty hostile and uncomfortable quickly if I had her show on the radio in my office. I have a hearing device and I can connect it to the live stream from my phone and listen that way, and no one else even knows.

(10,762 posts)100 percent agree.
(47,755 posts)I always know, no matter what, they'll be on from 6 - 9 Pacific. Sometimes hysterically funny, but always telling the truth. The last hour on Friday features Frangela. They are the best part of the week.
(310 posts)Very few journalist tell the truth. There are a few. top of the list is Maddow, ODonn Andre, Joy, Nicole, Cuomo and Ruhle
The fascist for sure are Collins, Jake, Bash, Katy Turk, Andrea Mitchell, almost all of CNN and NewsMax with the exception of Cuomo.
(6,291 posts)Maddow, Reid, Wallace and O'Donnell.
I'm 100% in favor of some progressive leftists getting hold of a small television and radio network and making sure it stays on the air and stays liberal, like Fox stays conservative.
(8,713 posts)LymphocyteLover
(7,506 posts)gab13by13
(26,891 posts)is my source for accurate news.
I am worried they are watering down my one MSNBC source, Nicolle Wallace. I can't take motor mouth Heilmann.
(63,498 posts)maspaha
(442 posts)onecaliberal
(36,594 posts)ybbor
(1,631 posts)I have been a regular listener since the W years. I am even the official fromagier (a made-up profession from when I was a cheese monger, It just sounds fancier) of the Stephanie Miller Show. She and her crew, also make me laugh out loud while wearing earbuds, making me apologize to those unawares nearby. She wonders what the food will be like in the camps, as do I. Im thinking pretty good, cuz all the foodies tend to be left-leaning. She has been calling out mourning joke for bending the knee to TSF, and she is willing to take their audience if need be. I dont call in as much as in the past due to my work, but I can listen and stay extremely informed. I highly recommend her show to everyone. You can find her on WCPT, or streaming on FreeSpeech TV, and on Sirius XM Progress. She is a treasure, and Chris and Jodie, are awesome sidekicks.
(49,153 posts)Obviously politics was in her family, her dad being a congressman and VP candidate alongside Barry Goldwater. Kind of breeds confidence, perspective, insight, smarts.
mountain grammy
(27,577 posts)And Jodi. I listen on Civic Media out of Madison WI.
(9,494 posts)If you're not listening to her weekday program -I'm begging you to find it and please give it a try. She scours the news (so we don't have to) and dissects it and literally makes it funny when possible. She has helped me feel sane for 19 years. Beyond wonderful.
proud patriot
(101,672 posts)and all her regular guests make me feel . Even when we dissagree .. CHRIS
just kidding . I have the deepest respect for Chris and his Friendships .
I love all of you Steph heads
Together we will get through this and come out Winners together
(1,889 posts)Stephanie Louise Miller and The Mooks have gotten me through hard times and good times. Glenn Kirchner, Malcolm Nance, Frangela, John Fugelsang, Bob Seska, Karl Frisch, Carlos (yikes I can't spell his last name at the moment), Jill Wine Banks to name of few of her regular guests who educate us and keep us up to date and laughing,too. Shout out to Jim Ward and love to Steph's dog's, Bonnie and Clyde.
(17,922 posts)I do the Patreon for him (and Frangela for micro-idiots).
But if you haven't, listen to Bob's free podcasts, totally worthwhile, a mix of funny and serious.
(496 posts)her show almost every morning. I generally agree with her but lately there have been a few things that have bothered me.
1. Her insistence that she is not "going to cede X(twitter) to Elon Musk".
She says this constantly. Sorry but that battle is over Stephanie. Musk now owns twitter and all she is doing by insisting that she is not going to leave is prolonging a lost battle that she'll never win. Time to move on Stephanie and use your influence to bring all of your fans to other more progressive social media platforms with hopefully better moderation than the now completely corrupted X has. Stop supporting Musk's ad revenue by insisting on staying with twitter.
2. Her unfair handling of callers who are not on her list of favorite callers.
Fans will call in and quite often she dumps them mid sentence after only a few seconds of time given to their call. This happens daily. On the other hand her favorite callers get amazing amounts of time. Additionally her and Chris will sometimes joke about the quality of the callers phone while the phone system used on her show is constantly failing.
3. The "circular firing squad"
A phrase she uses regularly. IMHO there were serious mistakes made by the Democrats. Those mistakes should be talked about openly and learned from. There is a tendency on her show to immediately shutdown well meant discussion of those mistakes with her launching into a rant about the "circular firing squad". She'll talk long enough and loud enough until eventually the subject gets changed and back on to the "happy clappy" refrain she is comfortable with. Unless we learn from our mistakes we'll never achieve our goals. That requires open discussion about the issues especially by those in our progressive media with a voice, audience, and a microphone. She is failing in this area.
Some of her regular guests also really turn me off.
Since we don't have much choice in the progressive media arena I'll keep listening to her show but I much prefer Thom Hartmann. Also a little tired of the"nip" type jokes and the childish sexual innuendo.
Response to LPBBEAR (Reply #16)
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(17,922 posts)Sometimes I disagree with her guests, but hey, not my show.
ETA: And yes, we all have our preferences. I used to listen to Thom every day, now, I just can't. I need the humor mixed to laugh or I'll cry all day.
Xavier Breath
(5,394 posts)I would also add:
4) The stupid effects. It's to the point where I can pick the movie quote or sound effect she wants played in probably the same time as Chris or Jodie can. They're intrusive and are always played over top of the caller or guest as they are trying to make a point. "Now a warning?!" Hysterical.
5) The song parodies. They are occasionally funny, yes. For the most part, though, they're tortured puns with bad rhyming.
And the worst:
6) Her not letting people finish their thoughts. Stephanie's one of those people who thinks of something while you're talking and then waits for you to take a breath or pause before interrupting you. You know she's just about to burst when you hear her saying "yeah" over and over again. She hasher thought loaded and is waiting to pounce.
As you pointed out, there aren't a lot of choices in progressive radio, so I sill appreciate her show, faults and all.
(496 posts)you made.
I typically listen in the morning while doing my morning routine. During her show yesterday she took a call from someone in the Chicago area. He started to make what sounded like was going to be several points. He got through one point and was just going into his second point before she began talking over him. As she was talking her right hand was heading for the disconnect button on the console that sits on her desk to the right. She disconnected him while she was talking over him. I didn't time his call but if he even got a full 60 seconds I would be surprised. Probably more like 20 to 30 seconds.
I would NEVER waste my time calling into her show. I've called into the Thom Hartmann show and been treated fairly by him. Given the amount of time you are likely to sit on hold waiting to talk on the air with one of these shows Thom treats callers fairly. Stephanie does not unless you're one of her favorite callers. (Sue from Rockville etc.)
That was enough for me. I wear wireless headphones while going about my morning chores. Today I hope to find another source for morning progressive news and entertainment. Other than Thom Hartmann there's not much on Free Speech TV I want to listen to or watch anymore. Unfortunately his live show starts too late to coincide with my morning chores. Maybe I'll listen to his previous days show.
Progressives really need a new source for news and entertainment. I listen to Allison Gill and Dana Goldberg on The Daily Beans, Al Franken, and a few others but they aren't the same as having a source or sources dedicated 24/7 to progressives. Perhaps after Musk buys out MSNBC the out of work hosts can cobble something together.
Xavier Breath
(5,394 posts)To the point where they finally have two wrap it up and move on. I spoke on air to Tom once and made him laugh, which I'm sad to say might have been the highlight of that particular week for me
I'd also argue that she gives her favorite callers short shrift as well at times, waiting until :45 before the hard break to take their calls, and after most of that time is burnt up on greetings, they then start the point of their call and the music starts playing and Stephanie will guess about the point they were going to make and then go to break.
it's telling that I think I enjoy the Stephanie Miller show more when Stephanie isn't there.
Response to lees1975 (Original post)
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(25,497 posts)She is a truly great American
(10,762 posts)I do wish, she would not pick up the phone when Billy from Texas calls.
He also calls Thom all the time, and he is really brilliant ( ) to use a different city every time he calls. Lets hear from Billy from a different city in Texas everytime he calls. Thinking he is sneaking by screeners. When I hear Steph, Thom or Michelangelo taking a call from Billy anywhere in Texas, I mute until he is long gone.
But, I do love Steph, all the nooks, and every single guest she has that have also been a must listen to on their media source. Bob Cesca and the Goth Ninjas make my week every Thursday.
Malcoms, Dean, Fugelsang, Frangela, Rude Pundit, and the brilliance of Rocky Mountain Mike.
DONATE to Free Speech Please!!!!
Laugh, learn and Live with Steph and the Mooks.
And Chris is right
proud patriot
(101,672 posts)I sent her a link to this thread last night ...
(44,144 posts)Bettie
(17,922 posts)she's the reason I have Sirius radio, so that I can pause or rewind.
Been listening for years, can't imagine my day without her and the crew.
These days truth goes down easier with a few fart jokes.
Oopsie Daisy
(5,428 posts)* even though I've tried. Her style and yuk-yuk delivery is just not my cup of tea.
La Coliniere
(1,316 posts)since her days on Air America and have never stopped. I agree that she is sometimes abrupt with callers, but I can forgive that because the value of her show, for us progressives, far outweighs the negatives.
(11,082 posts)Both are jewels. Donate to FSTV - they can use it. They are supported by viewers, not corprats and self-serving billionaires.
(24,310 posts)Love love Stephanie and the Mooks. Dont know where my mental health would be without them. Add Allison Gill, Jill Wine Banks, Malcolm Nance, Dr Redlener, Steven Beschloss and so so so many others. She is a safe port in a storm.
(54 posts)But I love her show and the work she is doing to shine a light on how not-normal things are in this era. From the W years to using Walking on Sunshine as the intro when Obama was elected, from the Mooks to Frangela, there is so much great stuff. The discussion is often smart even when it takes a juvenile turn, and the balance of finding humor without losing sight of the seriousness of the situation is hard to find, but they generally do it well.
I will say that, while I appreciate the bigger names that appear on the show as she has gotten a larger audience, I do miss the early days when comics like Suzanne Westenhoefer appeared regularly. I am glad Frangela have remained regular parts of the show - Fridays with Frangela are the best part!