Jeff Tiedrich - convicted felon has a solution to crime -- just let the cops crack some skulls
the journalist H.L. Mencken once said, for every complex problem, there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.
Donny Convict heard that call, rolled up his sleeves and got straight to work. hes devoted his whole life to coming up with the dumbest possible answers to the worlds most complex problems.
hurricane in the Gulf? just nuke the shit out of fucker. boom! problem gone.
drought in California? its as plain as the nose on your face, pal just turn that big-ass imaginary faucet up in Canada and steal all their water.

(740 posts)peppertree
(22,850 posts)The very thing El Cheeto has promised his Chamber of Connerce toadies he'd kill.
(8,830 posts)when this guy was committing rape in a New York City department store.
Though I suppose some mace to his bloated orange face would have worked just as well.
The idea that this convicted fraudster and adjudicated rapist feels entitled to say anything about crime, other than to offer a confession in front of a judge, is galling beyond belief. Talk about entitlement, arrogance, chutzpah.
We are living through scary, sorry times.