Like Hitler, But With Dementia
Daily Kos, 8.17.24. Ed. (361 Recs, 101 Cmts).
(Photo) "It'th really terrible what they are doing, I mean, I am the biggetht, mine is the biggetht, I mean at a level know one hath ever theen before, nobody knowth that, itth true."
Hitler is on the march. This is not a joke, folks. Not hyperbole. But lately, when "America's Hitler" (as his running mate once described him) is not marching in circles in his palatial gold-plated bathroom (looking for top secret documents that were missed by the FBI?) he's aiming his awe-inspiring oratory at windmills, electric boats, the late great Hannibal Lector, and see these two Tic Tac boxes, this one is big, and this one is little, that's called inflation!
For the leading lights of the GOP, the past couple of weeks have been a very real mental health challenge.
These quiet enablers of the Glorious Leader's plans for a 4th Reich (there will be detention camps, oh boy!) are desperately sad because their Hitler is doing it wrong. Their glorious leader is not sticking to their script! Instead of spewing lies the smart, calm, elegant way, in the unctuous and exemplary style of say, House Speaker Mike Johnson, he is repeating weird stories and conspiracy theories that everyone is tired of hearing, like your dear crazy grandpa did in his final years.
And, like your dear crazy grandpa, all attempts at redirection, reprogramming, rehabilitation, are proving to be futile.
Grandpa has a story to tell, now sit down, shut up, and listen!
Nikki Haley, the "moderate", has no concerns that her party leader calls his opponents "vermin", the free press an "enemy of the people" or that he promises too start rounding up brown-skinned people who are "poisoning the blood of our nation" and put them in concentration camps from day one. Relax, people. Our Hitler says some crazy stuff sometimes, but he doesn't mean what he says, he just likes to tell it like it is. We can control him, things won't get that bad. Hitler, Schmitler. Or, as Nikki Haley says, "I want my party to win." Notice, she didn't say, "I want Donald Trump to win." Just her party. Great.
I don't want a Holocaust, I just want concentration camps.
By now you've seen all the clips of Nikki Haley, Kevin McCarthy, Laura Ingraham, and the rest of the usual gang of rightwing liar idiots as they desperately try to redirect their number one idiot to spew lies the smart way. Everyone is still pretending that Donald's amyloid-addled brain is capable of absorbing external feedback, gaining insight, admitting mistakes, and changing. Ain't gonna happen, Republicans. Your Hitler has dementia. The mainstream media is happy to enable the new Hitler as much as possible without losing sponsors. The owners are billionaires and they want their tax cuts. Make it look like a normal horse race. Focus on the strategy and tactics...