162 lies and distortions in a news conference. NPR fact checks former President Trump
https://www.npr.org/2024/08/11/nx-s1-5070566/trump-news-conferenceAUGUST 11, 2024 7:00 AM ET
Domenico Montanaro
Politicians spin. They fib. They misspeak. They make honest mistakes like the rest of us. And, yes, they even sometimes exaggerate their biographies.
The expectation, though, is that they will treat the truth as something important and correct any errors.
But what former President Trump did this past Thursday went well beyond the bounds of what most politicians would do.
Heres what we found, going chronologically from the beginning of Trumps remarks to the end:
[list of 162 failed fact checks]

(49,153 posts)I don't think the reputation of older people will recover for generations.
(54,732 posts)For him, lying has always been the entire point of talking.
His age-related dementia may be causing him to also make mistakes, glitch on long words, and go off on tangents more often, but he earned the title of the more thoroughly documented liar in history long before he became "old".
He didn't just suddenly become the emperor with no clothes, it's just that people are finally tried of pretending otherwise.
(162,408 posts)he has NEVER been mentally fit for office
(9,840 posts)....but it takes some ink to debunk 162 lies and distortions. This shows how difficult real-time fact-checking is, especially for this gish galloping greasebucket.
I sometimes worry about even reading crap like this. They say you absorb everything you do, read, watch on TV, etc. I don't want to internalize his lies, but it's good ammo for talking with Trumpers or Independents.