At RFK Jr.-Led Environmental Group, Insiders Questioned How He Spent $67 Million
Source: Mother Jones
On July 10, 2020, Terry Tamminen wrote a letter to the board chair of Waterkeeper Alliance, the clean-water group founded and led by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., to say that he wanted out.
Tamminen, a veteran, highly-regarded environmentalist and co-founder and longtime board member of the organization, had become concerned about the outfits financesso worried that he was tendering his resignation. At issue was at least $67 million that Kennedys group had received and passed along over the previous six yearsan eye-popping amount for a non-profit that prior to this influx of money had annual revenues of about $4 million, according to its tax filings. Tamminen noted in his letter that he had repeatedly asked Kennedy and other top WKA officials for an explanation regarding these fundsthe source of the money and its ultimate useand had received no satisfying response. He wrote that either there was no proper documentation covering this large flow of funds or such documentation was being withheld by Kennedy and the staff.
Tamminen had come across a situation that had raised questions among staff at WKA and people within the groups orbit about the organization and Kennedys handling of tens of millions of dollars. His letter was prompted by a legal complaint that claimed WKA had funneled millions of dollars to the Bahamas to assist Louis Bacon, a hedge-fund billionaire, in his purported effort to destroy and damage Peter Nygård, a Canadian fashion mogul, who owned an estate next to Bacons on the island nation. The complaint, filed in a lawsuit brought by Nygård against Bacon, alleged that WKA had engaged in illegal and/or improper activities to benefit Bacon, a major financial backer of WKA. It also claimed Kennedy had carried out illegal and improper activities to further [Bacons] scheme to damage [Nygårds] business and property at the direction of, under the supervision of, at the request of or on behalf of [Bacon].
A Mother Jones investigation has found that charities associated with Bacon, the co-founder and CEO of Moore Capital Management, did contribute at least $63 million to WKA and that these funds were subsequently sent by WKA to Save the Bays, a small environmental group that Bacon, Kennedy, and others had started in the Bahamas and that filed multiple environmental suits against Nygård.
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Bluesky post from David Corn, minutes ago, about this scoop:

(44,207 posts)riversedge
(74,464 posts)Everything for show or to boost his ego and fatten his wallet-- is the way Trump operates.