Related: About this forumWelcome back!
This discussion thread was locked by Skinner (a host of the Announcements group).
First of all, thank you to everyone for your patience and understanding as we worked this last week to deal with the hack and bring our website back online. The hack could not have come at a worse time for all of us, and the DU Admins feel terrible that we let you down on the most important day of the year. We blew it and we are sorry. As part of our efforts to be responsive and transparent, we have posted a detailed explanation of the hack in another announcement which we encourage everyone to read. A link is provided at the end of this message.
We have made extensive security upgrades to the site over the last week, and as part of those upgrades there are likely to be a few minor glitches that need to be fixed. For example, one issue that we are aware of is that quotation marks are automatically stripped out of post titles. If you encounter any bugs please report them in this thread.
Obviously the election -- from president on down the ticket -- did not go how we all hoped it would. In the wake of our defeat, Democrats across the country are taking part in a much-needed conversation about what went wrong in 2016 and what we need to do in the future. Democratic Underground intends to participate in this discussion, by providing a platform to our members who are capable of participating in a manner that is inclusive, civil, and constructive.
The old General Discussion: 2016 forum has been re-named 2016 Postmortem and will serve as the temporary location where this conversation can take place. Discussions about the 2016 elections will not be permitted in the General Discussion forum. Whenever a member tries to start a new thread in either the General Discussion forum or the 2016 Postmortem forum, they will be presented with an interrupt page directing them to post their topic in the appropriate place.
In addition, we are going to temporarily suspend the Dont rehash the last presidential primary rule. While we do not look forward to re-opening that wound, we know that any discussion of the 2016 general election is likely to include discussion of the Democratic primaries. We trust that the vast majority of our members are capable of having this discussion in a civil and constructive manner. If everyone participates with the right attitude there is a good chance that it could be a worthwhile discussion. But if the discussion is just insults and rage then theres no point in having it.
Those of you who do not wish to see any of the discussions from the 2016 Postmortem forum have the option to trash the forum, which will remove all of its topics from the Latest Page and the Greatest Page. Just visit the forum and click the button near the top of the page that says Trash this forum.
The 2016 Postmortem forum and the removal of the dont rehash the primaries rule are temporary changes which we expect to last for a few weeks to a few months. While we believe this is an important discussion to have, we dont think it is in our best interest to spend the next four years arguing amongst ourselves while Donald Trump is busy destroying the country.
Which brings me to my final point. I said previously that I regret letting Democratic Underground become a haven over the last eight years for people who were contemptuous of President Obama and their fellow DU members. With the election behind us, my opinion has not changed. I spent much of the last eight years deeply disappointed by some of the things that people posted here, and compared to that ugliness I thoroughly enjoyed the period of relative unity and respect that we experienced during this years general election season. Going forward, Democratic Underground is going to continue to be a place for friendly, liberal people who support Democrats. If that describes you, welcome home.
For detailed information about the hack, click here.
--The DU Administrators

(25,816 posts)question everything
(49,755 posts)calimary
(85,386 posts)GUYS: About that Election Day hacking... PLEASE BE ON ALERT.
I'm posting this here, too.
calimary here. I do not know if this IS part of the results of that hacking, BUT:
I got an email this morning that alerted me that my PayPal account has been limited. It started asking for all the usual information of the kind you do NOT want to have hackers and other nogoodniks to have.
I became alarmed and called the PayPal people on our landline, according to the phone # on my monthly statement.
They looked into things and confirmed, yup, that email is from nogoodniks.
The reason I became alarmed and suspected a link to DU was because, immediately before Election Day, we were all advised that only star members could interact all day.
Of course, all day on Election Day, we were hobbled and silenced by hackers.
The day before, I decided to make sure my star membership was maintained, and made a small payment ... via PayPal.
PLEASE BE ON THE ALERT. I don't know if this has anything to do with the hacking, but it sure is suspicious, time-wise.
(27,463 posts)
(15,539 posts)Skinner, EarlG and Elad - for all your work to get DU back online. I have really missed my DU "family."
If anything, the aftermath of this heartbreaking election has shown that we need DU now more than ever.
(34,845 posts)
(57,325 posts)Been there and done that already.

(177,385 posts)
(11,211 posts)I hope we can all move forward together from here on.
(45,790 posts)Or we might have ended up with Donald Trump as President.
Yes, I'm bitter.
(11,366 posts)DonCoquixote
(13,794 posts)Yes...there is a lot to talk about in the postmortem, however, we do need to remember that even as much as we argued and disagreed, we do need to work in the present. Now, I am not saying to gloss over the errors that were made. In the upcoming months, I know I will say things that may offend because the truth of President Donald Trump is offensive. To quote a far better man than I, Jon Oliver, we cannot allow ourselves to forget this is not normal. However, it is very clear that the GOP knew how to pour gasoline on our home fires, turning us against each other when we should have stood together. It is also clear that many people, in the pursuit of their ideal (be it Clinton as immortal and inevitable goddess or Bring back Bernie) wound up letting the Trumpkins laugh all the way to the bank.)
The best thing to do is support each other, both in the way we help each other deal with the Trump noise machine and the real hard, give money and time help that needs to be done to those that are now very vulnerable. The only thing close to a silver lining is that now that this is over, we can turn our eyes towards the real enemies. Yes, the facebook pages are swarming with the arrogant little men and their shieldmaiden wives, "all going I told you so", and using this moment to take more shots at Obama, and ignore the real damage their good ol boys and gals elected have done and will do. Look at Nikki Haley, after Ann Coulter called her not an American, groveling and getting a job that the GOP considers useless anyway. See the way their cheerleaders like Coulter and Milo try so hard to beat up liberals, while ignoring the fact that most GOP voters would, and eventually will, slap them and say "get in your place!" Hell, look at how Mitt Romney kisses Trump's ring, and the way so many of those "principled" Nevertrump supporters are leaping on the bandwagon, praising Trump as if he was King Arthur pulling Excalibur from the stone.
The thing to remember is, like all Bullies, they have NO core. Yes, we should remind the Evangelicals that they would up supporting a banker, philander and political novice from New York. Yes we know they are praying Trump decides or is forced to quit so that Pence gets in, but their hands are bloody, and they need to be reminded of it. That SOB swaggering on Facebook, trying to look like Nashville's version of a working man, he will be the first to wonder where his jobs went, where his mama's medicare went, and why the banks get to have yet another spasm where he loses his shirt.
On the other side, one thing we genuinely did fail to do is secure the "Blue Wall." There is plenty of room for family arguments, but if we do not want to help Trump, we have to focus them on what to do now, instead of "well you did this and you did not do that" because that is exactly what Trump and Bannon want. We need to deploy a true 50 state strategy, and we need to unleash the Michael Moores and Jim Hightowers and put them front and center, so they can speak to the heartland. Yes, we do need to kill the myth that democrats are just people in Brooklyn townhouses or LA, but on the other hand, we do not need to "dumb things down" because the simple facts are ON OUR SIDE. We know whose tax-cutting and Military spending made the national debt, and we also know that if we did not try to cut taxes for the rich and wage a war, we would have paid much of that debt off. We know that mixing religion and government does not work, because it invites corruption of both religion and government. We know that our schools need to be rebuilt in many ways (not the least of which are half the actual schoolhouses) and that yes, we do get the government that we pay for, which will be needed as the Russians, Indians and Chinese do know that government can give the edge to businesses, as is shown by the fact they are eating our lunch, and that the GOP are the cafeteria workers.
I am not saying forget the past, nor am I denying that the Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Bernie wings are going to have to have a sit-down, and a lot of long, awkward conversations, as well as outright sparring. We need to define our brand, clearly, cleanly and be able to say "The Democratic party stands for.." We also need to have space so that those who wish to push things right or left get a chance to truly have a say, but, have rules and standards that all observe.
Boxing is a brutal sport, but even Ali and Frazier knew you could not head butt, throw elbow shots or kick. Even though sparring is a part of boxing, and it can be brutal, the point is to help the person learn how to take a punch, and then land some of their own. We need to keep in mind that even those within our family that drive us crazy are still going to have much more in common with us then even the nicest Republican, because while we Democrats actually DO give a damn about principles, most in the GOP will fold like a cheap Trump suit, made in Mexico.
Let us fight, and also improve the methods by which we fight. Do not be fooled by Trump howling about CNN and NBC, we know the media kowtowed and also made Trump a cash cow. For all the nasty talk about DU that was said on the facebook, and all those people saying "we need to stop going into echo chambers" we need to talk, get together and share ideas and actions. This is where the real politics begins, and frankly, we will not go down without a fight, especially since we know that the GOP has a glass jaw just waiting for the right bit of truth to hit it.
sidenote: I am very happy to be back here. I do plan to do things a bit different, to adjust for the fact that the internet IS the news media now, and that forces from Trump Tower to the Kremlin have learned to game it. However, I still plan on being the person who can be the sholder to cry on, and the gadfly ready to sting contended behinds.
(27,995 posts)It's great to be back with all of you!
(4,243 posts)I'm just glad we can all be together again. I didn't know I could miss DU this much.
(177,385 posts)Thanks to you, EarlG and Elad for all the work you've done over the last week.
I hated seeing the nasty responses that you got on the Facebook page. That might well be par for the course for you, though.
mountain grammy
(27,583 posts)I rarely visit the FB page but hoped to connect with DUers there. Ugly stuff. stayed away and found Pantsuit Nation and another women's group.. nothing like DU, but it helped.
(177,385 posts)Saw one repeat troll making nasty comments who has been banned from here probably more than a thousand times. I expect that many of the complainers had also been banned and likely more than once.
Someone added me to Pantsuit Nation the Sunday before the election. So many of the stories there are inspiring.
mountain grammy
(27,583 posts)Also, my husband's dear Republican cousin in Texas added me to a "Birds of a Feather" group that's been amazing. I think Hillary turned her into a Democrat! I burst into tears when she did it.
It was disappointing to read the crap posted on DU's page. I was hoping to find solace, but quickly gave up. So relieved to be home among people I can respect, even when I disagree.
(177,385 posts)He's just the kind of guy to do that.
mountain grammy
(27,583 posts)I keep reading them to my husband, but he just doesn't get it.
(120,030 posts)Some right wingers, some of of the BoB crowd and some of the JPR group - all people who had a chip on their shoulders about DU.
Several members who I respect highly were slandered. I defended them but soon got tired of the negativity.
(27,985 posts)but it's just not what I need. I need the people I've worked with and marched with and jumped into dumpsters with and highway blogged with. I need the people I'm going to be protesting with, ministering to (I'm a nurse. I intend to know a lot more about protest field medicine real soon), the people who are as angry but as caring as I am.
Fuck, I missed you guys.
I'm heading to bed now but tomorrow, I will be here every day. Well, when I'm not out fighting.
mountain grammy
(27,583 posts)nothing was. I missed literally everyone! Don't like me, I don't care. I missed you all.
(41,318 posts)called Remain Hopeful, as well as a British anti-Brexit group. Important for me, in dealing with our own issues.
But DU has been an important place for me since 2004.
(171,897 posts)to get back on line, and I don't think anyone will blame you.
I hope you can sue someone; this is your livelihood and that should not be messed with.
(37,468 posts)may I offer some suggestions as someone keenly interested in online security and this site ?
1- I think it's reasonable to assume that, at least for the next 4 years, we will be a prime target of the Trumpistas. I think effective security will be a daily ongoing concern that will take extra resources. That spells extra money. You get my drift. That means MORE donations.
2- The W3C Validation Service has issues with DU right now.
I don't know how that ties into security, but worth looking into.
I've been here OVER 11 years and donated regularly, so it's safe to assume my comments are made in a good spirit. Thank you for listening!
(6,940 posts)the contributions department. I don't think many folks realized just how effortlessly they had access to multiple news sites, and intelligent people sharing ideas until the site was down. It's a good time for folks to step up and support the place where we can instantly discover and examine what the clown car occupant pResident is up to next.
(37,468 posts)DDos = Distributed Denial of Service attack
Ms. Toad
(36,194 posts)Last edited Tue Nov 15, 2016, 06:51 PM - Edit history (1)
Consistent with your last paragraph - as well as the postmortem, would it be possible to formally (via MIRT) and informally (via admin pronouncement) discourage the "concern troll" hunters?
This election felt to me like the Kerry-Bush election. when my marriage was used to drive bigots to the polls. I kept hoping I was wrong - but I was "concerned." It was not just my marriage being used this time, but every otherbit of bigotry ever dreamed up was welcomed to drive Trump voters to the polls. I never said anything here - because of the concern-shaming that was heaped on anyone who dared express concern about the outcome.
I don't have a clue about whether it would have made a difference if we had been able to openly discuss concerns about the outcome among friendly liberal people who support Democrats. Would we have been able to do anything about it had those concerns been taken seriously? Don't know - but obviously those of us who were concerned had reason to be AND should not have been shamed here for expressing them.
I alerted on quite a few concern-troll attacks - none (so far as I can tell) were hidden. But they should have been as a divisive group attack: "Do not imply that they are fake Democrats, fake progressives, conservatives, right-wingers, Republicans, or the like."
The overall alert doesn't quite fit (since the attacks were generally against a person rather than a group), but that sentence was exactly what was going on as to anyone who gave voice to the concerns that I (and I'm sure I'm not alone) felt - concerns that we now know were clearly justified.
As to MIRT when I was on it years ago, this same label was used to PPR anyone with fewer than 100 posts who expressed concerns about a variety of subjects.
(113,319 posts)We must offer utmost vigilance.
(3,354 posts)splat
(2,341 posts)It's been so hard not to have kindred souls to be bummed with.
So glad you're back.
(72,300 posts)
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)Hope we can have an honest, open discussion of the electoral tragedy and how to move on.
(56,126 posts)lessons on squelching dissent and on the other side of that coin, dissenters need to be civil.
(153,145 posts)This last week has been truly horrifying, and that horror was compounded by not being able to access DU.
I do understand why you needed all that time to strengthen DU's defenses. That realization helped me endure.
So good to be Home!
(310 posts)First, I hate what happened to you guys running the site - as much as I've needed this place over the last week (and I sure as hell needed it!), it's been harder on you folks.
Thanks for not giving up. Thanks for not giving in. Thanks for fighting the good fight, to get all of us back here, together, to fight like hell.
(43,359 posts)who ever did this, knew what they were doing, especially since our side took a trouncing and we had no one turn to, while they laughed in our face.
(844 posts)It been a rough week I'm glad the site back up and strong.
(24,014 posts)... we may need to "discuss" the last primary in order to prepare for the next primary, the next Democratic party leadership.
Obama said it best, in 2009 (I think): "elections have consequences."
Maybe next time, we'll get out the vote.
(135,425 posts)The politicians do. House reps vote for theirs, Senators vote for theirs. Members of the DNC vote for their leadership.
Their priorities are not always those of differing segments of the party. They like to put people in leadership jobs who are very familiar with parliamentary rules (to include tricks and "fast ones" as well as people who are really good administrators, fund-raisers, organizers and persuaders.
People who are podium pounders, preachers to the choir, and "fire up the base" types are not what is needed in those jobs. They need MONEY in a big, BIG way and, for example, calling people "corporatist pigs" isn't the way to get rich people to donate.
We can discuss it all we want, but it's not up to us. It never has been.
Thank you for your hard work. You are appreciated, now more than ever.
(16,607 posts)Someone had posted recently that DU was irrelevant. NOBODY hacks a site that's irrelevant.
I expect to be posting here for decades to come.
(4,835 posts)Obviously, somebody thought what was going on here was important enough to put a stop to it.
Judi Lynn
(163,098 posts)and embarrass ourselves.
Very little said in the heat of anger is worth preserving!
Doesn't hurt a bit to take the time to let it all sink in. No one ever wants to see this happening again. We do need time to learn what can be done to prevent it in the future without surrendering democratic principles and ideals.
Thanks for your work rebuilding the site. That couldn't have been too much fun.
(148,718 posts)to you, EarlG, and most importantly, to Elad (across the pond I believe?) to fix this poor site and get it back up.
I was actually called for jury against the hacker and after completing that, watched the whole site just go into meltdown as thread titles were being re-written, one after another and that idiotic pop-up graphic scrolled.
That DU Facebook page was just horrible though. The crap and threats that were posted there underscored why I'll never do Facebook.
After this election, I figured DU would have melted down on its own anyway but when doing so, it should be on our own terms!
(47,758 posts)DU saved my sanity after the 2004 election when you instituted interest groups. I hung out in C&B until I could face the world again.
I'm so effing glad to have DU back.
(660 posts)I don't post very often but I had withdrawal symptoms after the elections. I so missed the hard hitting posts and also the soothing posts which I desperately so craved. It's good to be back!
Liberal Jesus Freak
(1,469 posts)Like most, I knew I enjoyed DU but had no idea how deep the addiction went. Glad to be back home
(5,551 posts)I don't remember exactly when I left. It was some time after Obama's election , and I think, like Skinner, I'd gotten sick of the infighting (also, life and stuff happened). But while I was curled up under the blankets last week, wondering how the hell I was going to get through this I knew I had to come back. You guys helped me get through the Bush years. We're gunna kick the Trump years' collective asses.
So yeah. Hi
(18,445 posts)Thanks for persevering, my hats off to you.
(14,377 posts)But you ain't gonna believe what happened in the last week.....
(3,574 posts)I know this last week has been horrible on so many fronts, but we appreciate everything you do for us.
We're BACK!!!
(73,517 posts)Not a glitch with DU so far, but might the jerk hackers have infected us otherwise?
I don't get how hackers can't be tracked down and prosecuted.
(10,494 posts)It's been a horrid week, especially without the support DU provides liberals.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)

(3,048 posts)It is amazing how the loss of DU for this last week has impacted so many. This was always my first stop in the am, so I have been adrift. I don't post much, but always read the threads, and have been since 2006. I feel like an old friend has returned.
Feeling the Bern
(3,839 posts)musicblind
(4,563 posts)Thank you for your hard work. <3
radical noodle
(9,567 posts)to see you back up. Thanks for all the hard work.
(13,515 posts)It probably was, for me, a good thing to be silent for a week, at least until I could start to breathe again.
(39,443 posts)Was the hack illegal and if so was it a felony?
(37,468 posts)femmocrat
(28,394 posts)So happy to be back! I missed you all so much. It was a week from hell.
Thank you DU Administrators for your hard work and perseverance. DU was sorely and deeply missed.
OMG, we're finally back!
(124,939 posts)you accomplished. There is no other site out there like the DU. Thank you for keeping it great.
(24,743 posts)On the list of posts, the last post of Salmonchantedevening's LOL Cats thread from last week is ...well....odd.
It has no user name, shows a date of Dec 1969 and is a response to the last post of the thread, but does not appear as a post when you "View All"
This thread has two of them at the bottom;
It looks like several of the older posts in the lounge have the same thing, but not all the older threads.
Is this intentional?
Gidney N Cloyd
(19,847 posts)on the "welcome to DU" list of new posters on the Latest page, the two most recent give error messages when you click on the names, and opening the list they have no posts listed.
same error message when going to thier profiles and clicking last post.
error message is a yellow band with the triangle warning symbol and says "That post cannot be found."
(11,406 posts)because they were affected by the hack.
I want to thank you. You were the one writing the codes to fix this. I may not understand it yet I appreciate it.
Thank you.....were you drinking a lot of this to stay awake?
(56,126 posts)

cry baby
(6,797 posts)Thank you for your work in getting us all back together so we can plan our next strategies!
Love y'all!
(71,864 posts)Lots of work but glad you had success to this point. Good to here about the upgraded security too. But, i guess if someone really wants to hack a site, they'll find a way. How that person thought they were helping their cause is beyond me, though. It couldn't help, and those of us here talking about the election wouldn't have hurt them or changed who voted for whom.
Technically clever, logically stupid.
(23,316 posts)line. DU has been my refuge since March 2004.
(33,599 posts)A rough week was made even more difficult without having this place to come and commiserate--and to figure out what to do next. I appreciate your hard work in bringing this site back up for us.
bench scientist
(1,107 posts)Nothing novel to add but to echo all the gratitude for your Herculean efforts getting the site online.
We got some hard times ahead but some great folks to face those times with.
Here's to the fight!
Wishing you all well
(24,047 posts)

(148,676 posts)I'll be ramping up my participation over a week or so. We're moving my MiL to a new facility tomorrow and Thursday, so I won't have much time to be online.
(90,336 posts)I had trouble getting on tonight. My email was not recognized. When I went to change my password. The email listed was not mine.
EarlG answered me immediately on my second post. He got me back here.
(43,146 posts)Check my Nov 7th MIR (Group) thread for an example. (May be a result of the off-on-off nature of election day and already cleared, but..)
And thanks again for all your work--missed you all this week!
(28,270 posts)callous taoboy
(4,691 posts)Thanks for all of your hard work these many years now. I have been sort of lost without DU. SO GLAD DU IS BACK!!!
The Wielding Truth
(11,428 posts)Thanks for returning better than ever, Skinner and crew.
herding cats
(19,659 posts)"2016 Postmortem" about sums up my heart right now.
Elad, my deepest appreciation to all your hard work! Skinner and EarlG, my appreciation for keeping us in the loop and posting so many of our thoughts on the 503 page! It helped, a lot, to hear familiar voices.
Arkansas Granny
(31,945 posts)It's been a long, long week. Losing to Trump was like a kick in the gut, but then to lose Gwen Ifill, Leonard Cohen and Leon Russell all in the same week is just almost too much.
(14,971 posts)Still the best site around!
(15,668 posts)and you, Elad, and EarlG have done everything possible to get things up and running as quickly and safely as possible. You are very much appreciated! I heartily concur with the policy, going forward, of not tolerating trolls who are only here to demoralize and disrupt. It is so good to have DU back again.
Granny M
(1,395 posts)I so appreciate this site. I was in Amsterdam with some other American expats on election night, and it was terribly sad. Not being able to come here to read and process the enormity of it all made it so much worse. I really missed all of you.
We're going to need each other going forward.
(3,747 posts)I am usually allergic to paying for things I don't have to online but I ponied up even though I know you'll open the site up for general access in a few days. You've been doing hard and important work and I've been taking you guys for granted for far too long. Thanks for making a place that really isn't quite like any other online. I am not a big participant here but I do lurk a lot and I really missed you when you were gone.
(11,353 posts)I missed this site and my fellow DUers during this horrendous election.
(2,142 posts)DU is set as my homepage, so every time I logged on, it was a sad :sigh: to see it still gone.
I'm glad that security has been improved and hope they never manage to do this again!
(11,349 posts)Your efforts are greatly appreciated. I am now back home!
(4,485 posts)
(31,046 posts)It's been a tough time for us all and it is just so great to be back.
(40 posts)I truly did not realize how important this resource was to my life until it was gone. Thank you Skinner, Earl and Elad. So glad we get to begin this long, difficult road as a community once again.
(21,615 posts)I have been adrift and alone without DU. There is no place on the web like DU and no greater group of liberals than my fellow DUers. I have missed y'all so much. I didn't realize how much a part of my life DU is (and has been for so many years) until it was gone.
I have been a member since 2004 and was an avid reader for several years before joining.
I hope that DU will be here for many more years.
Thanks again Skinner, Elad & Earl G for all oif your tireless efforts to get DU up and running once again.
(3,828 posts)Glad to.have DU back.
Where's my LOL Cats?
R B Garr
(17,533 posts)all your efforts!
mountain grammy
(27,583 posts)Been feeling like there's no one to talk to, which isn't true, but most of you know what I mean. I'm sorry I was sometimes impatient waiting for the site to be restored and do appreciate all the work it must have taken to get it back. I doubt I will ever leave DU because of how it's been this last week when DU left me.
Thank you for coming back. We do need to examine what went wrong, but, no matter how egregious our mistakes, we are good and they are bad and that's the bottom line, folks.
(13,869 posts)I missed everyone....
(1,979 posts)Thank you for your hard work in securing our sanctuary. I was on the site when the hack actually happened and could not figure out what the heck was going on, but I had a feeling that it was an early warning that things may not go as well as we had all hoped and prayed. Little did we know just how bad it would get as the night wore on, and not having DU to turn to made things so very much worse.
I realize now how much I depend on this site. We have a population of some of the smartest, most witty and compassionate adults on the world wide web and I am truly thankful to the administrators for their hard work in keeping this site on point and relevant for us - it surely is not an easy job and I encourage everyone to spend that little bit of money that you would spend on a cup of coffee every month to help them keep this running for us by becoming a member as I have been for years.
I felt like I needed therapy after the shock of this election and am still going through the five stages of grief, sometimes all 5 in the span of a day! Working at the VA I am seeing the best and the worst up close and personal, and both are heartbreaking for different reasons that I cannot go into because of the nature of my position.
I know we should try to make the best of this but all I can think of is my 16 year old gay grandson who is scared to death when a month ago he was empowered, my granddaughter who is being bullied by little trumpettes at her school, family members who may be harmed beyond measure by upcoming slashes and cuts - heck, I could be out of a job if he privatizes the VA. There is much damage that can be done in 4 years.
My biggest heartache is knowing that the majority did not want this, so how did it happen? And I mean, it really happened, hate won. Fear won. Discrimination won. I don't mean on a personal level, but in this election - it did and it cannot be denied. Everything that we KNOW is wrong with society now has the power to tip the scales into darkness.
We will get past this and see the light - we can't exist in this type of energy for long, the soul will seek light, but this truly is the dark night of the soul for many of us and we need someone to help us get to a better place. I wish our President could guide us there (Obama, MY President for life), because I just can't get there myself right now.
To Madam Secretary and the People's Choice - Hillary Clinton, my light bows to your light.
Namaste to all.
Annette, ashamed to be in Florida which should have been Hillary's.
(1,829 posts)mountain grammy
(27,583 posts)we did win.
(2,793 posts)I was bored to death while DU was down.
(12,774 posts)Very traumatic. So glad to be home.
Ghost of Tom Joad
(1,411 posts)I am so happy that you all worked hard to come back. Reminds me, you don't know what you've got till its gone.
(11,267 posts)These last few days must have been so frustrating for all of you. Please know your efforts were greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.
(1,129 posts)I am so happy DU is back up
a kennedy
(32,973 posts)Soooooooooooooooooo happy we're back.
(61,009 posts)rbrnmw
(7,160 posts)still in shock and quite nauseated by the thought of that ???? whatever species it is, being the ??President?? after the wonderful, intelligent, Gentleman who will always be MY President Barack Obama. God what a nightmare.
Generic Other
(29,020 posts)So sorry for what someone did to this place, Skinner. And really grateful to you, EarlG and Elad.
We have been here before when we thought it couldn't get worse, right? Sadly, it may get worse. Glad to have you guys on my side.
(8,087 posts)any sabotage of the Democrats.
(1,329 posts)OregonBlue
(8,087 posts)cstanleytech
(27,472 posts)Ya, I know if they are that the odds are slim that they will pursue it much if if at all but I can hope.
(3,061 posts)What a week ..
(3,424 posts)This has been such an horrific and emotional time. I truly felt like a rolling stone. Kept looking around, finding no place for solace with DU down.
It helped so much when you posted the e-mails on the 503 page. I read and read them and was so glad for that.
(14,489 posts)

(96,614 posts)
(5,521 posts)of respite, and perhaps peace. Let's try to stick together for the next 4 years!
blue sky at night
(3,310 posts)I worked as an Outside Observer at a Precinct in Akron and when I found out that DU had been hacked I got that sinking feeling that we weren't going to win then when I got home I noticed that Florida was not going as expected so I kinda saw the hand writing on the wall and went to bed not knowing....glad I did because I actually got some sleep where my Wife and Daughter stayed up and watched the Train Wreck and could NOT Sleep. The Shock on Wednesday Morning was brutal even though I knew in my gut that we had lost it all.
If I wake up during the night I can't stop thinking about how fucked we are and loose sleep still.
I think it is important to LISTEN TO Thom Hartmann right now as he is teaching what it is going to take to save the party.
He is on from NOON to 3PM Eastern Time.
You can listen over your smart phone with this app: then look for WCPT
BTW, our Summit County was one of the FEW that were Blue in this most S t u p i d S t a t e of O H I O!
BTW_2; I am done with Facebook and I am done with my Church, left both of them in July.
(1,499 posts)Just thank you
I know it's been tough in a lot of ways
(2,147 posts)I had no idea how dependent I was on DU and especially with the results I desperately needed this place and a barbarian wrecked it.
Thank you all 3 admins for all of the hard work and efforts to get us back up and running. Take care and get some rest.
I may not post a lot but I read a lot here and think about what I read. I need the input and the potential opportunity to vent.
(115,916 posts)I guess they went away
Renew Deal
(83,649 posts)
(43,203 posts)I tried to change my "newly" changed password and my email address right after my
first login at the same time and I got the warning with the red asterisk and a message
telling me I screwed up and none of the fill-in boxes had an indication of where the
problem was. I think I will just leave well enough alone for a day or two with the
initial password change before trying to change anything else. Many thanks to
EarlG for guiding me through the authentication procedure.
(4,260 posts)Little Star
(17,055 posts)burrowowl
(18,165 posts)BlueProgressive
(229 posts)to alert me to all the latest political news stories, until I couldn't get it....
Glad you're back!
(18,368 posts)Mike Niendorff
(3,588 posts)Doubling my last donation, in solidarity.
(98,066 posts)sure no one is going to say, such and such candidate would have been a better choice?
There are a lot of reasons for what happened, and at the top of the list is Comey and the FBI, but the false narratives propagated by the media, and supporters of certain candidates during the primaries, ranks right up there, and the fact that a good number of those candidate's supporters who refused to vote for the Democratic nominee, or voted third party, made what happened a reality.
Taking just the state of Michigan as an example, trump won by .3% of the vote. Jill Stein received 1.1% of the vote. Similar examples can also be shown in other states.
The 47% eligible voters that refused to vote were willing accomplices with the third party voters.
Frankly, I am disappointed that you want to reopen the primaries for discussion.
That is the narrative that the media is now going with also, if only so and so was the nominee.....
You see, that takes all the blame away from the media. You know, the media who told us there were WMDs in Iraq.
I don't care to relive the primaries again at DU. Once was enough for me.
There are plenty of ways to discuss the future of the Democratic party, and a rehash of the primaries provides very little except the blame game from Monday morning quarterbacks, who may very well have not even voted for the Democratic nominee.
Have fun........
(57,428 posts)I agree with all of your above points.
(45,790 posts)before.
If you or Skinner thinks the eight years of critically discussing the Obama administration or being skeptical of neoliberal policies or allowing discussion by people who think "so-and-so candidate would have been better" was the problem and the reason for Donald Trump, then you haven't learned anything.
(98,066 posts)POS"
Will Pitt was really swell
and wasn't it special that so many Sanders supporters refused to vote for Hillary in the general
Sounds like a JPR is right up your alley
(90,336 posts)Thread win!
(45,790 posts)Good thing you have a place to act like that, or Donald Trump might have become President or something.
(45,790 posts)Hortensis
(58,785 posts)people can express a free range of emotions about Democrats, presumably including ones that can be still "great" places to do just that.
(82,383 posts)Negativity affects voters.
(3,021 posts)Hissyspit
(45,790 posts)chknltl
(10,558 posts)I've heard of intellectual cheerleaders, i am quite sure they must be out there somewhere but i've yet to meet one. (Jon Stewart recently said that it is a bad idea to treat any group as a monolith because each member is unique with unique reasons for being there).
So much of the wisdom that was DU has moved is good that you are still here Hissyspit! I have enjoyed your informed posts often over this past decade.
Should you too be chased off please know that you will be missed. I suspect there remain more than a few here that feel this way.
I wonder at the motivations of those who seek to alienate Progressive Democrats from each other....are they planning on stopping Trump and the corporatists all by themselves?
We are all in this foxhole together, our position overrun by our shared enemies! The wisdom of aiming potshots at each other escapes me!
Well that's my 2 cents worth.
chris 'chknltl' chick, Progressive-Democrat, happy member of DU and JPR
Response to still_one (Reply #127)
Post removed
(34,582 posts)The primary one being saying that it was her time, when polls suggested the other primary candidate could actually win. Her baggage meant nothing- it was her turn (even though the majority of Americans don't trust her).
McCamy Taylor
(19,240 posts) I think a recent history lesson is a good idea. Can we start with last week and how easy electronic voting is to hack?
(16,903 posts)DFW
(57,428 posts)What I was expecting to be one good week followed by a bad week has turned into two horrible weeks.
In the meantime, I took one look at the Facebook page and saw a freak show that looked like a hybrid of Jackpine Radicals and Breitbart, so I left that one alone.
Also, as I write, I am taking a leave of absence from work (you can do stuff like that when you're station chief for a whole continent) for one of the scariest reasons of all. I'll post in the lounge. This isn't the place.
I think that if you try to rehash the primaries, you're inviting some ugliness. Please be vigilant this time, and pull the site back from the abyss instead of plunging back into it. We've been there. Let's not do that.
As for everyone else---nice to see y'all again!
(36,174 posts)I've been lurking more than posting over the past year, and thought I wouldn't miss DU if it wasn't around, but I was wrong on that. I'm glad DU's back, glad that never-ending election campaign's over, but it sucks that Twitter-Troll-Trump won the election....
(52,795 posts)Thanks Earl, Elad & Skinner for up-hardening the site. This board is our own think tank and we have work to do!
(8,447 posts)Glad to be here again.
(23,212 posts)Skinner, EarlG and Elad and so glad to be here writing this... I am sad, exhausted and angry and need to heal quickly so I (we) can begin the necessary Fight to not slip into the abyss
(22,749 posts)And welcome back and thanks for everything, Elad, EarlG, and Skinner!!
Like many of you, I went through a period of withdrawal - posted on DailyKos in the interim.
But now, we're back, and I'm ready more than ever to fight the good fight.
As for the hacking and for Trump's stormtroopers, if I can do my part -
There. Will. Be. Hell. To. Pay. Back.
(1,586 posts)I have been coming to DU since 2000 and was absolutely lost without you all during this terrible Election Day. I am so grateful to be back and am honored to be in such good company.
Now, let's work together to fix this mess!!
(385 posts)Thank you so much for all the hard work you do. I've been a member of DU since 2000. I rarely post, however I've been here just about every day for the last 16 years lurking (although I always participate in the monthly photo contests). I love this site and I didn't realize how much I would miss it. There is nothing on the web quite like it. So very glad you are back on-line. It feels wonderful to be back in a community of progressive like minded folks. We need to stick together now more than ever.
(12,608 posts)I missed my home away from home!
(22,165 posts)DU may not be perfect ... but, its good and its home.
Thank you Admin
(833 posts)I also am a strong believer in civility.
I feel very uncomfortable calling different types of Democrats with bad names. Those are only for this non-president and his supporters.
Thank you for working so hard.
I figured out how to update my paypal account and I also thank you to let me become star member at this point.
Quite frankly, may be this is time to require everyone to be a paid member. I think you can pay at minimum $5-10 per year!!
( I try to do it per monthly not annually. Because I can. When I can pay more, I will.)
Thank you for everything
(53,345 posts)LiberalLoner
(10,752 posts)Three cheers!
(12,521 posts)I am now fully aware of how important this site is to me. I have been in a drought until this moment. Thanks to all of your who, I am sure, have spent countless hours fixing our home.
I hope whoever did this hack is found out and some means of justice laid on their sorry asses.
(14,418 posts)plugging doggedly forward and getting the crud sorted out and the site back up!
(67,671 posts)thank you. we were down but not out!!!!!!! the fight begins with us.
(80 posts)Thank you so much for this forum. Sadly, I don't think I fully appreciated it until it was gone. While I rarely post, I have come to depend on DU for news, opinion, and for getting me through election nights. I can only guess how difficult your week has been, trying to get this site back up and running. Thanks again!
(11,692 posts)We need DU more than ever.
(9,224 posts)Thanks David.
I truly have missed DU. Not as a place to seek solice and kvetch... But as the best coagulation of content news, opinion, inside info and breaking news. I hope you catch the rat bastards that brought you done.
I'll be contributing a lot more dough in the he future.
(22,336 posts)It'll be just like old times around here, when GWB was president. Only worse! Who knew that could happen?
(54,699 posts)Guilded Lilly
(5,591 posts)Home again, jiggedy jog.
(422 posts)It feels good - thanks for the hard work.
Angel in Texasperated
Fla Dem
(26,343 posts)until you all weren't there. Missed everyone and glad we're back!
(1,489 posts)You are to be commended for working as hard as you did and for the many hours it took you to put it all together again for the benefit of all who use your forum. KUDOS !! and a special thanks to EarlG for getting me back on. You guys are Awesome.
(8,182 posts)With that being said is this still the operating assumption?:
"The price of admission to DU after this election is your vote for Hillary Clinton (or your support for her if you are not eligible to vote in the United States). If you are able to vote, but you can't bring yourself to vote for Hillary, then I'm not particularly interested in listening to your bullshit for the next four-to-eight years. I don't care if you live in the bluest of blue states or the reddest of red states, if you are looking for excuses to vote for Jill Stein or Gary Johnson or god forbid Donald Fucking Trump, then this isn't the place for you. Fortunately for you, there are plenty of other places on the Internet where you can get your Hillary-hate on, and some of them are even filled with former DU members. "
(63,645 posts)"Democratic Underground is going to continue to be a place for friendly, liberal people who support Democrats."
Anyone who didn't vote for Hillary Clinton in the General Election failed to "support Democrats."
world wide wally
(21,836 posts)fight another day!
FTF (Fuck Trump Forever)
(43,628 posts)
(108,377 posts)since the debacle. I simply can not stand watching pro-Trump news so I have basically "shut down". At least now I have an outlet.
(7,198 posts)MFM008
(20,036 posts)im sure it was even more stressful for you guys.
(12,190 posts)Thank you for all your work - I'm grateful we are back.
(52,086 posts)
(871 posts)Your final point is the most important imo
(7,963 posts)It shows the importance of DU. So glad to be back. I spent 2 days in shock and am teetering between denial and fear with a lot of tears sprinkled in....2016 postmortem is such an appropriate name.
(95,938 posts)I was offline for a couple weeks and look what happened! Guess I didn't miss as much as I had anticipated.
Glad the site is repaired and I do hope we can have fruitful, civil discourse as we go forth into a world many of us enter with trepidation.
(1,998 posts)Thank you all for your hard work.
I don't post often, but I've been here through every election since 2002. It was so hard to face this election night alone. I missed my fellow DUers.
Lifelong Protester
(8,421 posts)We certainly missed this place.
Historic NY
(38,613 posts)damn private servers....
(7 posts)Thank you for bringing back DU, my daily read and main opinion maker. Without DU my day sucks.
(46 posts)I was a member years ago and then drifted away as life got in the way. Started lurking again a few months ago, and became a star member a day or two before the election. Election day I had DU up...and then that video popped up.
So glad the site is back. No more lurking, I will participate on here and do what I can in real life.
proud patriot
(101,676 posts)lots of work to do
(551 posts)You folks did to get this site back up.
(747 posts)Thank you so much for all the hard work. I have missed all of you. (don't let my low post count fool you, I read here all the time, just don't say much)
(302 posts)It's good to be able to check in and see what like-minded people are saying. It's cheaper than therapy.
(224 posts)But I do appreciate the candor of the DU staff, and certainly understand what an ordeal this was and that for many this was an added amount of stress on top of what election night brought. However, in some ways I am glad I could not access the site on election night, because I don't know if I would have had many good things to say, and would have probably hated myself for some of the things I would have said about my own red state and the people who live here, or least a good amount of them. So in the interim I have taken the time to calm down and compose myself and try and move on.
(53,061 posts)Great to have a slice of sanity back
(3,064 posts)tavalon
(27,985 posts)I left during the primaries. I don't care for that blood sport. I won't be participating in the circular firing squad either. We are facing something unprecedented but for which Democratic Underground is actually very well suited for. My Facebook friends will be so glad I'm gone.
We don't have much time to organize and we must organize. I have to work in less than 11 hours so I'm not going into my thoughts deeply right now.
Just let me say from the bottom of my heart, you three have brought us home and I thank you so much. I'm ready to fight and I want my people with me. Democratic Underground are my people.
I hope the activism area is bustling because it needs to. Bush was our trial run. This is real. Horrifically so.
Thank you!!!!
(1,267 posts)So happy you're back! Here's how happy I am........see that nifty yellow star next to my name? I didn't have one of those before the hack. I've been a member since 2002 (I think?) and have had a star before, but I'm kind of on again / off again -- I'll wander in here & hang for a few months & then wander off again -- so I didn't re-up my star when it expired. I really shouldn't have done it right now -- I'm closing next month on a condo I'm buying, and was supposed to be financing FHA, but the Association allowed their certificate to lapse, so I'm having go Conventional.........which means coming up with an extra $3,500 in closing costs (a fortune for me). I am literally saving pennies at this point, but I needed my fellow DUers to counter the absolute Mad Hatter craziness (up is down, black is white, in is out) around me at the here I am!
Thanks Skinner, EarlG & Elad for all your hard work in getting DU back on its feet!!!
Renew Deal
(83,649 posts)$$$$
They work in posts.
(34,845 posts)[hr][font color="blue"][center]Stop looking for heroes. BE one.[/center][/font][hr]
(62,586 posts)Personally, I believe DU was brought down to prevent us from comparing notes about what was going on when we went to the polls. Or maybe I'm just paranoid. Sure, the hacker took great delight in it.
Just curious: was the hack reported to the FBI?
(11,357 posts)... after losing DU. Our family's 4 Hillary votes cheered us earlier in the day. Went out to eat as we always do after we vote on election day. Losing DU should have seemed like an omen, but I didn't see it that way. But by 8-9PM, we realized it was going to be a long night, but still had hope waiting on the left coast to come in. Neck and shoulders tightened and twisted until I had to go get that last Xanax that I had been saving for over a year. Losing DU and all the rest of it was really rough on all of us DUers/
But you can't keep Democrats down for long, buddies. We are rising.
Thanks to all the staff that worked on resurrecting DU. I hope you get the person or group that did this.
(27,985 posts)I am so glad to be back.
(1,329 posts)This election is a complete fraud and I have been depressed since election
day. Not being able to go to DU has been like salt in the wound.
Thank you for getting things up and running.
(10,613 posts)There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home.
Only took me 12 days to get here. Whew! Special shout out to Skinner for working on the problem
my email address was causing on DU. You took the time to send me a working password and now I'm home
where I belong. THANK YOU!
It was awful to turn on the computer and have no where to go. THIS is my place, my comfort, my news,
my Democratic family. Even though I don't post much, I'm here every day.
So good to see so many familiar names posting in this thread.
It's been a rough couple of weeks. Thank goodness we will all be here for each other in the coming
four years of hell.
(I sure hope I'm making sense. I had a tooth pulled yesterday and the pain meds, well, I sure could have used them
on November 8th.)
HOME. How do you spell HOME?
Well done Skinner, Elad and EarlG.
(29,424 posts)Mostly due to expansion of executive branch powers, war on whistleblowers, etc now of which Trump has the keys too. I also defended him a lot on immigration policy here.
I still voted for him in 2008 and 2012.
I'm not seeing a lot of unity rather more ugliness directed at people who are Democrats and have been for a long time. I'm just not sure who is welcome here anymore.
(16,402 posts)[font color="navy" face="Verdana"](In my best Genie voice).
I missed this place!
(17 posts)Oh, you can burn down my house
Stone me for life
Take what you want
Do what you like, but you'll never succeed
No, you'll never succeed
At breaking my heart
Breaking my soul
I've reached a point where I just don't care no more
Viva la resistance
(16,402 posts)
(13,675 posts)It's good to be home.😀
(1,342 posts)In spite of my ridiculously low post count, I've been here since almost the very beginning. I was so depressed after this election that I'm just wandering back today. Only to find you've been bravely battling evil up close and personal. I'm so happy that the place that made me feel safe among like-minded liberals (back in the bad old days of the smirking chimp's reign) is still here fighting the good fight. Thank you all for all you do.
(2,969 posts)My life is back - thank you
Bill USA
(6,436 posts)To Skinner et al;
you don't have to "feel terrible" as far as I am concerned. Consider the hack as a clear message that Democratic Underground is THE premier site for Democrats to discuss issues of public policy - which of course makes criticism of the Guardians of Plutocracy. For this reason, you - and we can feel proud to be the target of such nazi tactics by the Arian Nation party.
I was not at all bothered by the time it took to build necessary security measures for the future. It is a hard job and anyway, it is obvious that you wanted to do the job right. I thank you for that ... oh yeah, and for all the work it took to design and create the best debate site on the internet.
(2,647 posts)The only thing that made election night worse (and believe me, it was already one of the worst nights of my life) was not having DU through it all.
Time to stop President-unelect Drumpf from destroying civilization.
(1,200 posts)I may not post much but, boy did I miss DU! All hail the three Musketeers!
Union Label
(549 posts)I was going crazy not being able to vent how fucking frustrated I was.
(15,543 posts)
(23,152 posts)Nevada beat the odds, maybe because our voting system has a paper audit trail. The numbers added up and the result was not unexpected: HRC won as predicted. Democrats up and down the ballot won. Even pink to red Washoe county went blue, as predicted.
Her ground game in other states was no less robust. How did Nevada succeed as expected, yet most other swing states she got demolished? And now USA Today is even showing her polling numbers still hold up to this day. WTF is going on with our elections and why haven't there been any sample audits performed to substantiate how voters voted???
(43 posts)I'm so glad you're back.I love to read and watch the videos. Iv been kinda lost without the Democratic underground. Thanks for your hard work...
Hope whoever did this is caught and prosecuted.
(86 posts)Obtinebimus (We shall overcome).
(12,675 posts)Hooray. Sigh.
(1,889 posts)

(3,100 posts)I am so glad you are back online. Sorry to hear about what happened to the site. And still trying to come to terms with the aftermath and where we go from here.
(7,596 posts)LittleGirl
(8,593 posts)It was not your fault.
I copied this from a facebook post yesterday and it says everything I feel. DU was hacked and...
There was fraud and cheating, aside from Russia, Wikileaks, hacking, FBI interference, ignoring THE HATCH ACT, and all of the voter suppression.
The four key swing states were all within a very small margin, and very close. Each one of them? Coincidence?
In Michigan, in one county alone, some 80,000 people voted for everything BUT President? Doesn't that sound suspicious? Not even write-in's? But, the big clue, is that the exit polls had more people voting, than actually voted, according to the official counts. THAT IS BOTH FISHY AND NOT POSSIBLE! It would explain why all of the other polls were off. Either people or machines, did not count all of the votes, because that is the only way the exit poll could be bigger than the actual count. They are both taken in the same time and place, from the exact same people!
Response to Skinner (Original post)
Post removed
(16,607 posts)Thanks for all your hard work in bringing back the forum.
(159,747 posts)lovuian
(19,362 posts)so glad it's back
Thank You Skinner and administrators
Kashkakat v.2.0
(1,928 posts)election - in combination with the election results, this sudden disappearance of my 2 most reliable sources for info was quite unsettling. All I could think was - we may be in for some serious political repression... which typically in other countries has involved some degree of shutting down of communications.
Definitely glad to see the site back up .... but I still think the above may be a possible scenario...
(581 posts)state our views and get feedback. We must kept freedom of press, media and speech in America. It may leave us in small ways as the GOP gains control of the nation. This site allows for that. Thanks again.
(27,136 posts)I really missed the site. Thank you so much!
(15,179 posts)I missed DU
(14,337 posts)Missed it after 12 years being a Member.
(613 posts)
Just because people questioned some of Obama's decisions, and the direction the Clinton campaign took, does not mean they were holding either the President of the former Secretary of State in contempt. It simply means they had questions, concerns and differences of opinion, which in democratic society is perfectly acceptable and, in fact, supposed to be encouraged.
DU, if it really wants to do justice to the Democratic Party, is going to have to learn to deal with dissent in a manner that does not include muzzling, shutting down, alienating, and ostracizing the dissenters.
A lot of people who would have voted Dem were turned off by the Clinton Campaign and DU's decision to block dissent and to demand that every one participate in group think.
If DU, and the Democratic Party, do not soon acknowledge their own role in the defeat, and begin to work to find more productive ways to deal with dissent from within their own ranks, then I fear the Democratic Party may be headed for a long slow slide down a very slippery slope.
I hope you understand that what I have written here is not mean to be in any way an insult, nor is it an act of trolling, or a put down. I'm simply trying to communicate honestly with you about what needs to happen for the Democratic Party to be successful in the future.
(31,182 posts)I logged in here a few months and learned that most of my foils here had been TOSsed out like garbage. Good move. I am glad that you addressed the Obama haters issue.
So this is my third post in two or more years.
(19,819 posts)and for providing a venue and safe haven for the full spectrum of Democrats, liberals, and progressives.
(9,666 posts)It was hell not having this site after the "election" disaster. Just added more angst to the situation.
(296 posts)Thank you for all you do. Your absence during those first dark hours ached like a toothache. DU makes me feel better
(6,281 posts)You deserve financial support for your efforts. Please let us know where we can donate.
(11,192 posts)And thanks for helping me get back into my account.