Related: About this forumKamala Harris is now the presumptive Democratic nominee -- what this means for DU
This year, we did what we always do on Democratic Underground during a presidential election year. While the presidential nomination was still up for grabs, we were in Primary Season. Since Joe Biden had no serious opposition this year and essentially ran unopposed, we called an end to Primary Season on March 6, immediately after Super Tuesday. At that point, we switched to General Election Season.
The difference between the two seasons is subtle but significant. DU's "Don't bash Democratic public figures" rule states, in part, "Do not post anything that could be construed as bashing, trashing, undermining, or depressing turnout for any Democratic general election candidate."
When we are in Primary Season, Democratic candidates for office are not considered "general election candidates" -- they are still fighting to win that honor -- and so DU members have lots of leeway to advocate for their own candidates and criticize their opponents as part of the primary campaign. Once the primaries are over, the winners become "Democratic general election candidates" and as such, receive a lot more protection under the rules. They cannot be bashed, trashed, or undermined once Primary Season is over.
We've done things this way for 20 years on DU because allowing people to continue to oppose Democratic nominees once the primaries are over is counterproductive, provides an obvious entry point for trolls, and is contrary to DU's Core Principles (" elect more Democrats and fewer Republicans to all levels of American government" ).
I don't regret sticking to the policy this year. For as long as Joe Biden remained the Democratic nominee, it would not have been right to abandon the policy, and doing so would have set a confusing precedent. For as long as he was in the race, Biden was the Democratic nominee, and he deserved to be protected in the same way that previous nominees had been protected before him. I know some people disagreed with this decision, but I believe it was the right thing to do.
As soon as Joe Biden dropped out of the race, however, we were in unprecedented territory. The logical thing to do seemed to be to return to Primary Season, since the Democratic Party no longer had an official nominee, so that's what we did on Sunday.
48 hours later, Kamala Harris has already secured enough pledged delegates to become the presumptive nominee. Therefore I see no reason at this time to remain in Primary Season. The vast majority of the Party has lined up behind the Vice President, and with enough pledged delegates to secure the nomination, it is now highly unlikely that anyone but Kamala Harris will be declared the official Democratic nominee when all is said and done.
And so, we are now returning to General Election Season with Kamala Harris as our nominee and we're ready to move forward. Thank you all for your patience while we navigated these tricky waters. Hopefully we are now ready to unite and move on to the next goal which is the most important of all -- to defeat Donald Trump this November, take control of Congress, and put MAGA out of business for good.
Thank you for reading!
EarlG, on behalf of Elad -- The DU Administrators

(37,149 posts)
(28,835 posts)I've always been in favor of shortening campaign season. While this situation is unique, of course, it's proof positive that shorter campaigns would be a very good thing. It's silly that House members, for example, have to start running their campaigns the day after the prior one ended.
(7,016 posts)Chipper Chat
(10,232 posts)malaise
(281,740 posts)Rhiannon12866
(229,859 posts)I'm on board! (And so is my cat!)
(98,069 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,609 posts)relayerbob
(7,116 posts)Renew Deal
(83,649 posts)
(65,306 posts)😄
(13,045 posts)JustABozoOnThisBus
(24,014 posts)Equally meaningful.
(24,173 posts)the prosocutor takes on the con. make it so. anyone to defeat the evIl trump.
(90,338 posts)Vote Harris 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
(9,238 posts)
(8,009 posts)honest.abe
(9,238 posts)llmart
(16,344 posts)Can't wait to see it hanging in our White House and Capitol and on the covers of major publications.
(13,913 posts)

(24,930 posts)Upthevibe
(9,443 posts)Thank you, EarlG.
Is it appropriate for us to discuss the pros and cons of her possible running mates (in a respectful manner)?
(22,776 posts)I understand why you asked the question since this year has obviously been unprecedented when it comes to the selection of our nominee, but as far as I can recall, we have never had any problems on DU when it comes to discussion of a nominee's VP choice, so I don't think there's anything special I need to say about it this time around. Members are free to discuss the pros and cons of VP choices -- provided that they stay within normal DU rules of course.
(9,443 posts)riversedge
(74,479 posts)PCIntern
(27,187 posts)lindysalsagal
(22,492 posts)hlthe2b
(108,384 posts)(Not attacking the non-endorsers but merely questioning why they are not/have not). It would be helpful if you could touch on these more subtle adjacent issues. Thanks, EarlG
(17,955 posts)for keeping it all together.
(3,978 posts)Thanks, as ever, for making this great place.
(43,146 posts)I know we drive you crazy sometimes (well, I know I do!) And we are lucky you put up with the madness.
(493 posts)usaf-vet
(7,340 posts).... and sworn in for a second term in 2028.
(61,010 posts)
(13,113 posts)
(52,086 posts)

(13,138 posts)Thanks Earl.
(3,883 posts)"Kamala Harris is now the presumptive Democratic nominee" !!
Thank you for staying on it.. and for doing everything you do.
(18,009 posts)duhneece
(4,323 posts)Especially in these uncharted waters.
DU remains my touchstone, my sanity , my sanctuary, my family and my friends.
Thank you, EarlG and all of the DU family.
(25,135 posts)Mountainguy
(1,549 posts)Marianne Williamson is gonna be pissed.
(4,284 posts)

(8,286 posts)SunSeeker
(55,050 posts)ornotna
(11,211 posts)As it should be.
(1,248 posts)Fighting For The People and Delivering For America.
(14,418 posts)Thanks EarlG for your sound leadership.
donate here:
(47,233 posts)/s?
liberal N proud
(61,085 posts)Blue Dawn
(970 posts)All in for Kamala!
Think. Again.
(21,763 posts)I'm looking forward to strong, positive posts in support of all our Democratic candidates, and strong, NEGATIVE posts against all the others.
Fighting FOR Kamala!
Fighting AGAINST trump!
(8,009 posts)

(1,731 posts)Yes we KAM!
(8,608 posts)Response to EarlG (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(5,189 posts)be careful? I ❤️ Kamala Harris and will vote for her.
(11,349 posts)Your efforts in this endeavor are greatly appreciated.
(3,452 posts)Thank you EarlG!
(9,308 posts)Initech
(104,104 posts)I actually told a coworker of mine that I'd rather throw my TV out the window than watch 5 minutes of election coverage.
Now I'm back in and ready to help sink Trump and Project 2025 for good!
(2,492 posts)Go HARRIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wild blueberry
(7,480 posts)Wise decisions.
EarlG, Elad, DU Administrators, you're the BEST! Thank you.
(29,696 posts)In all my many years here, I've never been happier or prouder to be a DU participant.
Eliot Rosewater
(32,676 posts)Comma La
(35,056 posts)Absolutely ready to put in the work to get rid of MAGA! Now that I've seen Project 2025, it's not just Trump - it's all of them.
(11,355 posts)Dem2theMax
(10,613 posts)You forgot one thing. We need some new avatars. Pretty please.
(2,300 posts)This is the only thing that kept me sane since 2015. I salute your efforts, and , again say 'Thank You'.
(100 posts)Lets do this !!! 💄
I am happy and excited right now! Let's go!
(20,255 posts)redqueen
(115,177 posts)Seriously that is what is at stake this year so I'm glad to hear you didn't allow people to go ham on Biden and I'm BEYOND thrilled that Kamala has locked up the delegates already, so anyone who as a problem with it can be quiet about that and reflect on their priorities!
(5,420 posts)Let's get it on!

(43,203 posts)Many thanks for keeping this place running.
(10,414 posts)AKwannabe
(6,646 posts)Silver Gaia
(5,023 posts)Fired up! Ready to go!
Let's win this!
(177,385 posts)The last few days have been such a whirlwind. Thanks for providing the means to keep up with developments as they happen.
(308,448 posts)

(30,237 posts)and I for one am very happy about it. She can win, she will win, there are more of us than there are of them, this is reason for hope.
Joe Biden's brilliance is greater than i ever gave him credit for, and I'm sorry about that.
(85,386 posts)I appreciate the thoughts in this announcement, especially THIS part:
"...and put MAGA out of business for good."
OKAY, TEAM, Game ON! Let's ROCK!!!!!
Stinky The Clown
(68,533 posts)Escurumbele
(3,736 posts)stop seeing trump in the news because, and I have no doubt, that once he loses, republicans who know he is bad for everyone will leave him behind, even the media will stop talking about him.
And I do believe that Kamala will be a great President, she is tough, brilliant, she will bring a different perspective to our government. The one thing we all need to do is make sure that both Congress and the Senate become a Democratic majority to allow bills that benefit the country, and the World, can be passed without republican obstruction.
(48,734 posts)All day Sunday I was having waking nightmares of a contested nomination process. Dems In Disarray!
No one was happier than I was when I saw Monday that it united us instead of dividing us.
Again, excellent news!
(13,028 posts)proud patriot
(101,676 posts)
(4,829 posts)flying-skeleton
(758 posts)maspaha
(442 posts)Time for falling in/out of love is over. Time to fall in line
Or, if you prefer, just chop wood, carry water, no complaining, we have work to do
Or, provide and follow your own favorite marching order
(727 posts)The White House, House, Senate, and reform the Extreme Court.
COL Mustard
(7,262 posts)Kamala will rock as President. I am looking forward to her mopping the floor with TSF.
As I told someone yesterday, I would walk over broken glass or hot coals (or maybe both) to see Trump defeated. Let's git 'r done!

Looking forward to helping her campaign save American from the fascists!
(21 posts)w/o ANY input from those of us who voted for President Biden.
Ranting Randy
(150 posts)Aussie105
(6,873 posts)Dead are their attack points like 'too old', 'his son is a criminal', etc.
But I'm sure their 'think tanks' are furiously digging to find the dirt on Kamala.
I'm going to ignore them all!
Meanwhile, Trump is still Trump - a lifelong acquired collection of nastiness and stupidity.
(2,493 posts). . . beat the shit out of Trump, Vance, and MAGAts in general???
(96,614 posts)Shyguy24
(5 posts)I always felt Biden needed to pass the torch, this forum was always kind of against that idea, but I'm glad to see that now that it's happened there's so much energy behind it and online is exploding with support for Kamala. Thank you Joe Biden for doing the right thing.
(5,813 posts)AllyCat
(17,606 posts)beaming with enthusiasm and energy two days later!
Love this!
(18,438 posts)..may as well buy from fellow DUers who are creative and can do this stuff..