Related: About this forumAnybody catch the cheesy "No on 5" ads (Anchorage municipal election)?
They're actually arguing that measure 5 restricts the rights of LGBT business owners.
Do the "No on 5" people when the Chutzpah Award, or what?

(2,693 posts)You can see the irrational hatred of gays being used as a political tool to gain votes for the rethugs. They play on the fears of the southern baptists here in's sickening.
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)n/t.
(46,436 posts)Did you see that 18 polling places here in Anchorage ran out of ballots tonight a couple of hours before the polls closed? Talk about a hot-button election...
(7,463 posts)it wouldn't take the ballot. the poll worker had to open this side compartment and told us to put our ballots in there o.0
(46,436 posts)Our elections are always a little weird but this one was over-the-top. I can't believe all the precincts running out of ballots. And don't you find it strange that all the bonds passed with such big majorities (usually something liberals would do) while Prop 5 went down? I had the city clerk say on Channel 2 that they thought a lot of people from outside Anchorage tried to vote.
(7,463 posts)the machine not taking our ballot was really bizarre though. It took the old white people's ballot just fine, but when it was time for me and the black guy to put it through...nothing lol. i'm like shit, this is like a scene out of one of those ohio voter fraud documentaries.
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)Is there some way to use that fact to overturn the result in court?
That's a pretty large number of precincts to have ballot shortages...and to have those shortages at the precise time of day when the most progressive voters would have generally been arriving at the polls.
I hope the AkCLU is looking at well as the Lambd Legal Defense Fund.
(46,436 posts)A lot of them were in South Anchorage, but there were shortages all over town.
The thing I find most strange is that all the bond propositions, which would tend to attract liberals, won by approximately 60-40 splits, which is almost unheard of here, and yet prop 5 was defeated by almost the same amount. That doesn't make any sense to me. All those liberals voting for the school and park bonds are going to vote AGAINST equal rights? I 'm not buying it.
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)I understand 18 precincts were involved, more or a point of reference, how many precincts ARE there in all of Anchorage?
(46,436 posts)without doing a lot of math. It should be simple enough to find, I would think, but apparently my Google skills are lacking.
this better pass
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)Don't lose took eighty-eight years to overturn legal Jim Crow-ninety years prior to that to abolish slavery-one hundred thirty years for women to get the vote...justice sometimes takes awhile in this country, but it wins in the end.