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Related: About this forumPetition to Censure tRump
Look, honestly, signing this wont have much of an impact. I mean, even if this started to really roll, and like a million people signed it (not gonna happen), its not going to change things much. On the other hand, each signature has a greater than zero impact; there is absolutely, unconditionally, unequivocally no doubt that you can make a difference and that the course of history shivers ever so slightly with each choice any of us make. Just by choosing, we share, we join, and we create a community of care and love. There are a million moments in every day to choose to believe in the kind of world we want for ourselves and others. And when we do this, we change the energetics. Just a little bit. We can believe. And by believing we change the world.

(12,706 posts)
(7,629 posts)The Republicans would say we've done something now let's move on. Censure would be a way for them to pretend they give a crap.They don't and never did. We can't allow them any cover. Make them own it all. It will get worse for them.