Yet another note to my congressman
My congressman is Mo Brooks. I'm apologize to America on behalf of my district. As a matter of regular catharsis, I send him notes with no intent other than to remind him the degree to which he does not represent everyone in his district.
My note tonight: "I was sitting here this evening thinking about the marches that occurred over this weekend and wondering how it felt to be someone like you, someone so obviously on the wrong side of history. It must be kind of like someone who was still wearing a white hood in 1965 utterly refusing to except that change was coming. Make no mistake about it, though, the decades-long propaganda campaign spreading misinformation regarding the Second Amendment will be exposed. The NRA will be properly classified as a terrorist organization. And people like you will be forever known as political whore enablers with the blood of thousands and thousands of citizens on their hands. Your place in history will be something similar to the infamy of Bull Connor, someone who was staunchly, stubbornly, and horrifically wrong."