The war on woke
People have different definitions of what "woke" means. Repubs turned it into a pejorative against the most progress oriented, liberal thinkers we have. These are the "movers and shakers" in all aspects of our culture. Then, suddenly, it applied to all Dems. To me, that's a good thing. The word "woke" to me just means "aware." As in, not stupid. I can see, I know what I'm seeing, and I can't be brain washed no matter how many times you repeat something.
This frantic push by Repubs to remove "woke" individuals from Government is not an effort to clean up the government. It is an effort to remove individuals who will not believe you when you say and do something stupid and contrary to logic. It is an effort to take control of the government and replace woke people with passive, go along people. The loyalist era, in progress.
We are seeing many statements that the evil "woke" people must be stopped and removed. Well, of course, silly! We can't have mature, mentally healthy adults being the leaders! They'll say no to Trump's totalitarian, fascist, dictatorial replacement of our democracy. I just think it is important to note that, by repetition, this notion of woke being bad is not some noble quest to heal our government, but instead it is, pure and simply, a takeover of the United States of America. It is a component of P25, courtesy of traitorous repub pukes. We are going to hear more and more and more of this, but they can't pull us off balance, try as they might. We are watching what they do, and this time, we are taking names.