Obeying in advance.... pernicious capitulation.
My wife teaches at a state university. My daughter attends that same university. We live in a red state (guess which one!). It's been a good place to ove and work, all things considered. But the state is lurching further and further to the right.
Last year the state passed an "intellectual diversity" law which essentially eliminate tenure and requires "intellectual diversity" at state universities. My wife's university has done a decent job of defelcting a lot of the implications of this law... at least so far.
But today, the University cancelled all its faculty DEI training. THis training was VOLUNTARY, provided by faculty on a vonteer basis to faculty who choose to take it. As of today, all these training programs have been cancelled.
The University is "obeying in advance." The state legislature is considering, and is likely to pass, a bill that witholds state funding for any University that has a DEI program. But rather than waiting for that law to pass, the University decided to capitulate now.
It's a phenomebnal display of moral cowardice. I am so disappointed, though not surpised. The next four years (at least) is going to completely suck.