General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsThere needs to be a change of thinking about taxes
When I was a boy, when I was in school, all throughout Jr. High and High School, I was taught taxes were a necessary contribution you made to this country!
You didn't have to pick up trash on the side of the road, you didn't have to join in a non-profit, you paid your taxes and that paid your elected leaders, your infrastructure and your education.
Somehow this 'TAXES BAD' notion popped up in the 1980s, and now we have low taxes, low wages, barely public education and an exploding debt and deficit. There is no revenue, and therefore they're coming after our entitlements we have paid into all our lives. The powers be could eliminate Medicare Social Security and Public Education and still wouldn't have revenue to pay off anything.
So please America, let's stop this notion of TAXES BAD. Bill Clinton should've raised taxes back up as soon as he took office. I will vote for the first candidate that will enact a 90% on any incomes over $100,000. Not $200,000 not $400,000, because in 2022, the average household in the top 5% earned $499,900, the median income for US households in 2023 was $80,610, meaning that half of households earned more than that and half earned less.
So let's think hard about what tax cuts really mean to the American people, and let's look outside our country at some of the happiest people in the world living where taxes are high - and they're happy to pay them!

(8,099 posts)By then ill be dead or go to one of those companies who lower your taxes. Sounds like a plan.
(39,225 posts)What about tax CUT & spend republicans? Some clever DUer thought that up.
Taxes are your country's income, its paycheck. Does anyone ever brag about a pay cut? No. We all have to pay into the system & labor income should be taxed less than investment income. If your money is working for you then you should pay more on that income than the income someone earns from exchanging their life's time for a paycheck. For all their Christian nation bullshit, what happened to "to those who much has been given, much will be asked."
Blue Full Moon
(1,840 posts)They want everyone to pay for everything by themselves. They even looked into destroying the earth natural systems. That artificially made would create billions. They will never have enough. The billionaires will have to go after each other eventually to get more. This is like the medieval times when democracy was first thought about. None of this is sustainable.

(458 posts)They overturned the mantra that said:
Taxes are the universal fee citizens pay in order to live in a civilized society.
(7,668 posts)of any party who advocates for a 90% tax on income over $100,000 would be destroyed at the polls.
(1,077 posts)They think if the taxes are cut for the 5% then the money will trickle (tinkle) down to them.