My eldest cousin's funeral will be on the inauguration. He wouldn't put up with more Drumpf.
For about 30 years I corrected and harangued my local radio talk show wingnut via snail mail at first and then with almost daily emails, and sometimes got him to curb his wingnut slant on the air. I weathered our Lib ups and the worst of our W. Shrub and Drumpf downs, but the latest election was too much. At around 3 A.M. after the worst was confirmed, I sent off a goodbye-cruel-world missive to him and a couple of his cohorts, not whining or excoriating, just saying no more to them from me. And I thought this was the ultimate of statements.
*** Well, this surviving 92 years old senior of our family passed this week, and his funeral will be exactly during the inauguration. He had a jam packed life of Democratic politics, well married two out of three times, extreme civic activity and honors, and material success. With the age gap and our separate preoccupations between us, I only got to know him up close and personally in the past ten years when I had retired, and I often told him that it was good that it wasn't when we were much younger because it would likely have been explosive. Besides catching up on ourselves, we mainly romped through the politics news of the day, of course with the heavy outrages of Drumpf.
I seriously thought that my final break with the local wingnuts was the ultimate in drama. Leave it to him to be the scene stealer.