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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsMy 4 year psychological survival plan for my wife and I. added - THANK YOU All. I am stunned!
Last edited Fri Jan 17, 2025, 10:41 PM - Edit history (1)
I just posted this as an impulse, and never imagined it getting so much attention. I love the responses!
No TV, no political videos - news from occasional peeks at DU. That's it. Period.
Lots of: movies, series, music, books, cooking - and watching Red Sox, Bruins, Celtics, Patriots and Duke basketball when I can
Lots of: hiking, kayaking, gardening, hammock time
Finish and get published book #3
Genealogical work on my family tree
Try my hand at watercolor art
Tons of time with our new grandson Eli
Comfort from our dogs and cats
Seeing in birthdays 69, 70, 71 and 72 and working to maintain my good health
Possible knee replacements
Enjoying our anniversaries 45, 46, 47 and 48
A good plan, hey! We'll survive this. Take care of yourselves.

(10 posts)But Id have to swap Carolina for Duke!
(61,010 posts)
(3,997 posts)Sorry about the knees. My mother was one of the first open heart surgeries at Duke. I will stick with the Blue Devils,
(22,519 posts)Just so much happier without watching the 24 hour outrage machine on cable news.
(65,785 posts)Kaleva
(38,995 posts)Spending time putting together a long OP in the Frugal Living group that'll list what I've got done so far, what I'm in the process of doing and what I plan to do in the very near future .
(39,384 posts)If everything turns to shit that probably means the military will move in conscripting everyone they can grab to grow crops for a starving nation...
It's not a game anyone can win.
I'd probably be safer as a hermit living out in the desert.
The best thing I can do is to be politically active, doing what I can to make sure everything doesn't turn to shit.
My ancestors all left Europe at times everything was turning to shit there. I hope my children, nieces, and nephews have the wits and the means to leave if everything starts turning to shit here.
(2,787 posts)I'm very interested in reading it and thanks for doing that. I rent a condo so I have limited control over things, but I'm sure I'm missing opportunities to help.
(38,995 posts)So when I do post it, I can look you up and let you know.
(65,785 posts)Botany
(73,530 posts)
(17,606 posts)AllyCat
(17,606 posts)Plant a tree. Reading. Still dont watch news or even late night comedians. Will continue that plan.
Trying to work in local and maybe state politics. Otherwise, Im out.
Learning a new language. More time chatting with neighbors and friends in person. Less online.
ms liberty
(10,030 posts)Sounds like a great plan. I'm thinking similarly.
(80 posts)We stopped watching all cable news shows. We only watch local news at noon. Not the Sinclair station. We just got Paramount and are enjoying the shows. Im taking a Spanish class offered by the local community college and being conveniently held at the main library. Were slowly getting the house ready to sell and plan to move closer to our son. Who knew in our late 70s this would be happening in our final years?
(27,873 posts)The two-week trial didnt impress me.
(339 posts)

Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,272 posts)🤣
(1,020 posts)You also shouldn't end up with any new issues.
(6,671 posts)you still have back issues.
(1,020 posts)
(1,068 posts)Last summer was brutal, but the Cherokee Purple kept churning out tomatoes. My husband took one look at them in his salad and asked what is wrong with this tomato and why isnt it red? We will get through this but we have to turn off the external noise because they really are out to get us.
(108,384 posts)and those findings often impact us nationally. I am a BIG supporter of these efforts which if creeps like Sinclair have their way (fortunately, not in the Denver market) then this will disappear. Alternatively, your local newspapers... Once all the former are gone, they aren't coming back.
I too will dramatically decrease my TV time. Frankly, I have a real visceral reaction to TSF and his eyeliner-wearing creepy VP.
I will probably occasionally listen to select podcasts but with the intention of maintaining my stress levels.
The worst thing right now is that my beloved doggy girl and pre-dawn 14-year walking buddy is literally on her last legs-- no matter the Librela, Galliprant, Adequan, Omega 3 fish oil, cold laser, and gabapentin--all which help but won't change the progression/regression. That is when I know it ALL will come down on me like a lead avalanche.
(189 posts)I know keeping a balance of self care and self interest is needed, but it sounds like giving up and letting the final nail in democracies and the environments coffin if everyone starts shutting down.
How does that help our news people survive economically?? They will completely succumb to the right and the fascists then given there is a market.
I am going to keep paying attention, speak truth to power, help rebuild the Democratic brand, but also some self-care to expand my garden, learn to sew/mend, and start exercising.
(61,010 posts)Keepthesoulalive
(1,068 posts)Why obsess over everything that crazy asshole says and does, many of us are working locally with our party. But looking at American Pravda will not move us forward. Protesting in the streets will not help, might make you feel good for a day. We will have to let this bad movie play out and take care of our health and homestead.
(54,555 posts)NYC got me through a lot of the last debacle.
Especially reading the sign that said, "Do you see? You're not alone" as I looked at hundreds of thousands of kindred souls and felt their roar in my chest.
I'd do it again, but this time without the hope it would accomplish anything more than solidarity.
(3,498 posts)So I won't be marching. Not for a long time anyway. There may be circumstances where it's the right time, but that would come when masses of Americans feel the same way.
The likelihood of agitators embedding and creating violence just so Trump has his pretext is too great. The explosion of membership in Patriot Front, Proud Boys, III Percenters, etc. is too great. Plus if you read the ProPublica article (, they are spying on journalists and others and keeping dossiers on them. I wouldn't want to be taken out through their activities now before I got to accomplish anything for democracy.
(54,555 posts)cilla4progress
(26,247 posts)preserving one's health and sanity for our families and loved ones! Balance.
I did a lot of local donating and intentional local shopping at the holidays.
In our retirement, my husband and I both volunteer with local organizations: him in reuse /repair nonprofits to help keep crap out of the waste stream and help folks manage expenses. Me with an equine therapy nonprofit.
We haven't watched MSNBC or even MTN since 11/5. We consume "news" in manageable bites..DU, Bluesky, The Guardian.
I am not willing to let the outrage machine trigger and have its way with me any longer. It's basically killing me!
If or hopefully when a moment coheres to bring down these cretins, I will participate. But till then, I'm going to healthfully enjoy my last decade/s, and contribute in my own way, with far more balance!
Cilla4p out!
(54,555 posts)how's that working?
(4,733 posts)We feel helpless because there is zero we can do. Being in my 70s, and with limited funds, I cant go gallivanting all over to rallies and marches. My writing hundreds of postcards for a campaign is hard due to arthritis. I dont have an unlimited talk and text phone plan for doing phone banking.
Spending hours online arguing with MAGA heads is doing no good. And also ruining my mental health. I love Rachel M and Lawrence O but cant keep up the pace of hearing nothing but bad news. As with many others, I was devastated by November 5th. I only JUST started watching Rachel this Monday. No other news on TV at all. I cant stomach the hype. Ive also cut back on online garbage. All the liberal YouTube content creators I love, I just cant take all the hopeful breathless news that is repeated as nauseum. And then nothing pans out. Glen K, Popok Legal AF, Meidas Touch, they all are so helpful and hopeful. But in the end, we are left falling asleep knowing that TFG is a juggernaut with the GOP as the grand enabler.
Im with the OP. Im mentally and emotionally warn out. I am already crying again now that D day is approaching.
Im not abandoning the party, Im watching out for my own well being. Otherwise I wont survive the next 4 years. Rest assured, I keep current with Reuters and AP, etc. But the steady diet of other forums and content has got to be curtailed.
We do what we have to do, otherwise we are no good to anybody.
(12,717 posts)We got rid of cable tv eight years ago and went online for news. That was enough of a nightmare during TSF's first term and since with all the lies, threats, and garbage. The stress was way too much.
This time, we will limit on-line news to here, some BBC, and a little NPR--just to be informed.
Our social contacts have shrunk. Too many people we have known proved to be from the dark side. Of course, they think WE are brainwashed.
We live in Hawaii and have an acre, fruit trees, and standard poodles. Life is never dull on our patch of paradise.
I hope to continue painting and sketching, cooking creatively, and spending a lot of time outdoors.
While we have a plan I do worry about our grown children and the rest of our family. All but one live elsewhere in the country and world. Stress is bound to continue as I can't help but worry for them, our human family and our planet.
(64,246 posts)Just read a.cozy mystery series by Lauren Berenson that is all about them. (The Melanie Travis series.) Not sure if you're into fiction, but they're great reads.
(12,717 posts)I'll check it out.
I had a Min. as a kid, so they hold a special place in my heart.
(1,286 posts)because they always have happy endings and the bad guys always lose. However I keep in touch with reality through DU.
(32,736 posts)One day, Spectrum removed Turner Classic Movies from their line-up. I complained to newly retired hubby about it. We then realized that we would have to pay more to keep it. So then hubby says, "Let's get rid of it". I complained that I would miss CNN and MSNBC, but he said, "You don't watch it that much. You mostly watch the old movies, PBS and Netflix"...So, we got rid of it.
It appears TCM is about the only thing I really miss....But now many of the old movies are on Tubi.
(1,668 posts)Step One: Closing down my home business. Getting rid of all old paperwork, rearranging computer office space.
Step Two: Stepping up writing of family history and personal memoirs, found a great once a month memoir writing group.
Step Three: finally learning to use that $200. bread making machine. Never mind the price of eggs, good bread is up to $9.95 a loaf!!!
PS: Anyone have a hint how to maintain consistent 80 degrees Fahrenheit temp to assure rising of dough?
(61,010 posts)It is gas and has a pilot light, if electric just turn it on briefly to warm it. The 80 degree temp isn't mandatory - just speeds the rising a bit
(1,668 posts)will try oven and top of fridge.
I turn the microwave on high for 2 minutes without the bread dough in it. Then open the door and put the dough in and then close the door. It always works.
does it take?
(12,295 posts)It keeps the oven at a steady 100 degrees. We use it for rising all sorts of bread projects.
(1,668 posts)so, if I set my oven at 100 degrees it will work!
(3,677 posts)Also it makes great pizza dough and we use it to make grandmas sweet roll dough as well. So simple and delicious ! If your stove has a digital read for temperature set to 80* or use an oven thermometer to set oven to 80*. Enjoy! Some ovens have a proof setting which is what you are looking for.
(11,065 posts)Scrivener7
(54,555 posts)In fact, it's the opposite. The gerbil wheel prevents you from seeing what is actually happening.
Elessar Zappa
(16,308 posts)Im not going to be miserable for the next four years. Ill still vote and donate money but other than that, Im sure the world will get along just fine without me.
(194 posts)tenderfoot
(8,982 posts)I plan on doing the same!
(32,736 posts)It started with a DNA test and few matches.
I'm 1/2 Armenian, so I really can't do much there because of the genocide. But my mom's family is Anglo and has been here since who knows when. So, I found a few matches and was able to go quite far back. Then, I got into my husband's who is Mexican-American (three of his four grandparents are from Mexico. One was from here, but we don't know when that family came to the US, sometime in the 19th Century) It's been a trip.
On the Armenian side, I even discovered my great grandparent's 1925 "remarriage" in Mexico as a way to get my great grandmother into the US. (They "faked" their deaths and said they were both widowed) I also discovered my uncle's birth certificate in Mexico City.
On the maternal side, I discovered that my fourth great grandfather had a possible encounter with Black Beard the pirate and there is a book written about this. (I think it may be family lore). My third great grandfather (his son) never married and had 22 kids with two women. However, one of his sons became a state senator in North Carolina and got the everyone legitimized via an 1819 proclamation in the NC legislature.
I also found out that on my maternal side, I have a great uncle who is only a few years older than me!!! Another great grandfather remarried to someone who was young enough to be his granddaughter a few years before his death. Apparently, I knew the guy from many years ago, but my parents never told me how we were related.
I also found out I'm 8th cousins with Charles Manson and Bonnie Parker.
On my husband's side, he's the 13th great grandson of a conquistador, the 12th great grandson of a another and a 6th cousin of former Mexican president Venustiano Caranza. However, he's related to all the famous people from northern Mexico, because they are all related and didn't move around until recently.
Anyway, have fun in the genealogy rabbit hole! It's a good diversion.
I found the DNA test and the few matches on my mom's side to be very helpful. It gave me a good starting part. I knew nothing about her family.
(61,010 posts)I've traced my maternal grandfather's line way back to 1250 - Kent UK - Adonis de Guibe. If the trees I've used are correct, I have Sir Walter Raleigh and a pilgrim in there going way back.
My dad's side is harder - furthest I've gotten is mid 1700s Normany France.
(32,736 posts)He was from Scotland and ran away as a cabin boy in a ship.
I've got his parents names and not much else. Previous research of other family members on my maternal side seems to have been fake. Record keeping was poor in the US prior to the civil war, unless connected to a legal document (like that proclamation in the NC senate!)
(26,247 posts)No grands yet, tho!
We should hang here...
(39,225 posts)I suck at it. I don't even enjoy it anymore. I know a couple of artists who lost their house in the Marshall fire, so I'm going to see if they want it. I had an easel that was way too big for the work I do & the Marshall artist I gave that to cried when she picked it up.
What genre do you write?
That's a good list & ditto for us on the news. I will get it from a few sources but I've turned off cable news for good.
(61,010 posts)So far, Epic Tomatoes and Growing Vegetables in Straw bales - you can see them both on Amazon
Third book will be on our Dwarf Tomato Breeding project.
(751 posts)c-rational
(2,957 posts)outdoor time.
(10,120 posts)Xavier Breath
(5,395 posts)I mean, good luck!
(61,010 posts)
(64,246 posts)
(62 posts)Planning on copying this and will try to surround myself will audio books and family for the next four years
(11,897 posts)And a great recipe for self-preservation it is, but I feel I would be remiss if I didn't pass these wee tidbits along, either or both of which you may already know. Both are about the knee replacement, and both assume you have this done.
First, a cryo machine is an almost invaluable too. The cold will reduce swelling and inflammation, and my wife (and the person we lent it to afterwards) both say it was WELL worth it. Taxes in, it was under $300 Cdn.
Second, after the first 2 weeks - if your treatment regimen was the same as hers - do your absolute utmost to ditch the synth opiods and, if you have to, white-knuckle it a bit with a lower impact PK. In her case, I recommended she do that, and the doctor doing follow-up was happy to tear up the narco scrip and write her a different one.
She didn't think it was going to work out at first because it didn't manage the pain quite as well, and it made her feel anxious and, for lack of a more coherent word, crawly. She did stick with it, however, and on the next follow-up visit, she related this to him; he told he she had been in early-stage of addiction and withdrawal. Becoming addicted after 2 weeks on the oxy!
I thought I knew of the dangers, but I didn't know it was THAT bad.
(44,163 posts)Hubby and I will celebrate our 40th with a2 month trip to Europe this fall. Gotta get our dont blame me, I voted for the woman shirts made.
Oopsie Daisy
(5,428 posts)Good luck! Enjoy! Have a peaceful and restful four years!
(8,306 posts)208 weeks will be the starting point on Monday at noon. Even an hour less is an hour less. Hoping though for a quick DEATH during his reign of terror.
Keep hitting the KFC bucket Trump..
Xavier Breath
(5,395 posts)A guy at work had a Clinton countdown calendar. It kept announcing "only xxx days remining until Clinton is no longer president" or something similar on each page. The morning after the '96 election, I walked past his desk and it was in the trash
(8,306 posts)Great news is we GAIN one day because the 2029 Inauguration is on Saturday that year.
My clock will hit 208 weeks at noon DC time today in 2+ hours.
I have a countdown clock on my tablet home page already!
I cant wish/waste away 4 years since Im old and they all count, but the clock is helpfu! 😀
(36,846 posts)I've been in my current house for almost 28 years and I've given up trying to grow anything. Besides the soil being mostly clay, I don't get enough sun anywhere except directly in front of the house. I tried growing tomatoes in movable containers, but it just got to be too much work. I grow flowers in window boxes in the summer months, that's about all I can manage.
Best of luck to you!
(32,736 posts)marble falls
(63,666 posts)... could ever devalue. Our cars work fine. We have enough income.
It's going to be a long four years with the succession being Mango Jebus, a couch rapist, and the trailer-house salesman.
(17,519 posts)SheltieLover
(64,246 posts)
(17,519 posts)I've sold a few thousand. Not setting the world on fire. But it's my little passion.
(64,246 posts)Would yours fall into that category?
I'm working on one, too.
Did you self-publish?
(17,519 posts)Not quite a cozy, but not overly gritty either.
(64,246 posts)I read 2-3 books/day, so I do electronic copies, else I'd need a warehouse. Lol
(17,519 posts)PortTack
(35,369 posts)walkingman
(8,931 posts)Kid of reminds me of my New Year's resolutions - they tend to peter out pretty quickly.
(7,469 posts)Keep yourself sane!
I haven't watched TV news for about 10 years & I don't miss it at all. I would rather get news on all the things that interest me (most of which MSM never reports on) directly "as it happens" from my preferred sources on social media. That used to be Twitter, now it's Bluesky. Major mainstream stories show up on DU within a day or two, so I see those here too.
(85,386 posts)For me, gardening! But that means waiting til the cold weather turns, which may not be til March or so.
Getting outside and walking! Hills in my neighborhood mean therell be some good exercise, and beautiful green scenery and tall magnificent trees all around. So healing and renewing!
Im a news junkie so I feel like I have to keep track. It serves my work as head writer for our indivisible groups weekly Call to Action email. So I really have to stay awake and aware. But thats cool. I probably would, anyway.
And one thing more: not sure why but both my husband and I have become hooked on the To Catch a Smuggler series on TV! Its illuminating, educational, AND reaffirming! (Well, shit, At least we dont have to worry about THAT!)
(24,173 posts)is still in play this is the usa and no one can take away free speach rights . i have no desire to become a ex pat or dual ct , im staying to vote in the pri coming up and the 2 years . in otherwords my day to day ritual. good plan there
(25,577 posts)I'm here to help them reap what those motherfuckers sowed.
(16,579 posts)The people harmed the most psychologically are the ones consuming Meidas, Tiedrich, Maddow and Raw Story 24/7...
That stuff is depressing!! As you said... get outside, spend time with loved ones... develop one of your hobbies, learn new ones... go on a Fitness kick, learn to paint... take piano lessons, etc...
(17,793 posts)Of just holing up during Bidens presidency. Unfortunately, at a grass roots level they showed up on street corners and regularly showed up at hundreds of local school board and local government meetings to yell at even local Republican leaders to challenge DEI, immigrant support programs or contest efforts to expand voter access.
(14,377 posts)The more our side disengages from politics, the more MAGA can have its way.
I am not scared that I will be co-opted or psychologically damaged y watching the news.
(61,010 posts)DownriverDem
(6,770 posts)Start with MeidasTouch. They will keep you informed. Other left leaning videos will come up then. They have saved my sanity.
(61,010 posts)Liberty Belle
(9,652 posts)In El Cajon, a city here in CA, the Mayor and Council are considering a resolution saying they will fully cooperate with ICE on mass deportations.
It's been delayed 2 weeks after a bunch of Latino activists spoke out emotionally at the Council meeting, so Council sent it back to staff to soften the wording but not enough. Two Counclmembers oppose this but 3 are hellbent on pushing it through. One who opposes it likened this to when his mother was in Czechoslovakia in 1939 and the Nazis took over; her boss who was Jewish was taken away and never heard from again.
At least one speaker threatened legal action if the city starts handing over immigrants who haven't been convicted of crimes, and he's sued cities before on behalf of immigrants.
Next meeting I understand there will be a large protest rally outside Council chambers, hopefully with hundreds of people, plus petitions, and speakers promising to return every meeting if this is passed.
I believe ultimately this will be blocked. One of the Councilmembers in favor is a Republican in a majority Latino district; he won't be reelected if he does this, most likely.
The city argues that it's caught between federal law and Trump threatening cities and police if they don't cooperate,vs. the state of Calif. that has a law prohibiting police and cities from cooperating with ICE, except when someone has been convicted of a serious felony (and there's a list of which felonies are considered serious, like murder and rape.)
Kudos to the neighboring city of La Mesa's police chief, who when asked about this issue, said "We're following state law. That's it."
El Cajon's Mayor is grandstanding likely in hopes of landing a Trump administration appointment, while ignoring the very real fears of his constituents in a city that is now a majority of minorities including Latinos, MIddle Eastern immigrants, as well as Blacks and Asians, many of whom came here as immigrants or refugees.
Of course we all need to take breaks from the all-bad-news-all-the time situation, but if we all bury our heads in the sand, bad things will happen that we DO have the power to prevent at the local level.
Our county has over 150,000 undocumented immigrants,most of whom have committed no crimes and many were brought here as children, Dreamers. Every one of us should be taking action to assure that our local cities and counties will do everything possible to protect these folks.
There are many other ways we can make a difference locally, if not nationally. The city I live in just passed an aggressive climate action plan--we can still take steps to slow climate change in our own communities.
Remember that Republicans have only a 2 vote majority in the House. If 2 Republicans vote no, or just sit out a vote, they can't pass legislation. It's even possible someone could get fed up enough to change parties or retire early, enabling Dems to flip the house sooner than 2 years.
Yes, many things seem hopeless and Trump will succeed at many bad actions. But we can and should still try to block what we can. My focus right now is on saving lives of immigrants here at home, to the maximum extend possible.
(61,010 posts)hunter
(39,384 posts)Simply watching television accomplishes nothing, it doesn't even make you "informed."
Ignoring television news and opinion is a passive form of resistance. It is, nevertheless, a form of resistance. All that resistance adds up.
Monday I'll be celebrating Martin Luther King day. Anyone who interrupts me with television or social media gibberish from the Trump idiocracy is going to be greeted with a cold stare that says, "What-the-fuck-are-you-yammering-on-about?" Most people will take the hint.
My own decisions about how, when, and where to resist will not be based on anything I see on television. Television is not on my side.
(2,277 posts)And as a fellow San Diegan, with very personal ties to three 'Dreamers', we need to take a stand.
They were brought here when all were under the age of 8 years old. ALL they have know their entire lives is living in the good ole' USA. One has a masters from Columbia, is married, and has been with his current employer for over 15 years. Another has a masters from UCSD, is a public school teacher, and she and her husband just had their first child. The other is married with two children and is a stay-at-home Mom.
To think they could be deported, beyond being totally outrageous at face value, shows the complete lack of not only empathy but ignores the positive economic reality these four families have provided. This attitude is so sickening beyond belief that I can't even begin to express my absolute disgust for far too many of our 'fellow' so-called Americans
Trueblue Texan
(3,223 posts)Some of my goals are similar to yours:
- finish my 1st in a series of 3 cozy mysteries--I've finished it before, but I'm tearing it apart again to get the structure right.
-Expand my repertoire of vegan cooking
-Become a fabulous gardener --been working on that one all my life, with VERY little success
-Improve my drawing and painting skills
-Improve my dancing skills
-Watch all the old movies on my bucket list
-Learn Affinity graphic design programs
(38,102 posts)
(9,630 posts)Vinca
(51,730 posts)At this point I'm assuming bad and ugly.
Xavier Breath
(5,395 posts)I actually got a head start on that beginning November 6. Haven't viewed MSNBC for a minute since.
(3,677 posts)I cant imagine the future but spending two years in the house during Covid was good practice for what might come. A hint for people that will need to stay close to home. During Covid we put a tent with blow up beds inside the screen porch. We slept outside for six months through December in Ohio. It really kept us grounded. Its also a good idea if people are having to house extra family members for any reason.
Evolve Dammit
(20,275 posts)ClaudetteCC
(52 posts)and mostly read my news (possibly unusual for my generation) but for entertainment there are several lifetimes of content out there for viewing. I especially like the stuff older than myself.
(701 posts)highplainsdem
(54,708 posts)and you'll want to enjoy every stage. One of my brothers had been dreaming of retiring to Florida's Emerald Coast, where we lived when very young, but his grandkids, the youngest living less than a mile away, changed those plans.
As for me... I've already cut way back on how much news I watch, since the election. I subscribed to five more streaming services with Black Friday deals, so far have watched almost nothing on them, but probably will.
I will be putting more time into writing and music again, though with what AI is doing to the arts, I won't stop pointing out its harms and also trying to encourage those artists thinking of quitting (as some have been, in particular since a Labour government announcement in the UK, ) to not give up completely. So I'll keep posting on DU and other, larger platforms.
Your mentioning watercolor art reminded me of art supplies I bought years ago and then stored away somewhere, because the cat I had then wouldn't keep out of them. Time to find them again, or buy more.
And I'll keep taking good care of myself, even if thinking of Trump as president again sometimes makes drinking myself into oblivion seem like a good idea.
Unlike most DUers, I'm as worried about AI and the tech bros behind it as I am about Trump. With AI, there's no hiatus till the midterms or the next presidential election. Elon Musk has his own AI, Grok AI, which he'd like to have become the most widely used AI - and he has X and might get TikTok. Zuckerberg is focused on AI, as are the other tech bros. As Mark Cuban and others have pointed out, there's a great power struggle going on. While Trump can have some influence on it - which is why we've seen these transparent bribes - much of it is worldwide and beyond his control...and it's changing rapidly. There are very active debates about this on other platforms, with people at the forefront of the AI debates and developments posting online. I can't ignore those, because they affect too many people I know and care about.
But I will keep a balance, and I will remember there are still reasons to feel joy and share it with others. That balance is necessary.
(4,117 posts)Thank you, you and your wife have a very healthy, enjoyable and productive plan for the next 4 years and well beyond. Very inspiring, best wishes.
(32,736 posts)Each party needs volunteers. Many times, it's mundane work, but that's what's needed to keep parties going. So if anyone has any free time, head on down the local party office. We need for all sorts of help.
We have local elections coming. The Texas lege is in session etc etc.
We don't perform miracles, but we move forward.
I used to be a master gardener, which I loved, but I lost my certificate during Covid and because I didn't complete my hours.
(6,874 posts)Never a big cook, then discovered it is actually very therapeutic.
Still improving on my home made from scratch pizza.
No room in the kitchen for a bread making machine, and the price of premix flours is ridiculous, but I'm tempted.
Gardening used to be my therapy, but with the current unstable stupidly hot weather, that's gone by the wayside.
Spend more time watering lawns, got to be the worst Summer for no rain in a long time!
Got to ask about the TV News media though - what is in it for them to jack up my blood pressure like they do?
Just makes me turn it off.
(2,300 posts)He refused.
Youll be fine he tells me.
I trust him, we will be fine.
(whatever that means)