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Donald Trumps Deputy Policy Chief and spokesman for "Hair in a can", Stephen Miller, met Wednesday with members of the House Republican Study Committee to begin planning for the mass deportation of immigrants.
He talked about how the cost of immigration is costing this country and he used the example of if an illegal has four children they have the same rights and privileges to the gimmes that Americans do, health care, education, all of that, Rep. Ralph Norman, Republican of South Carolina, told the Daily Beast.
Miller reportedly told the attendees to determine the funding needed to carry out Trumps deportation plan, which they are expected to include in a reconciliation bill that requires a simple majority to pass through Congress. This would allow the party to secure funding for mass deportations without any Democratic support, as long as there arent many defectors within the slim Republican majorities in Congress.
While the GOP reconciliation bill will include tax cuts for the wealthy and draconian changes to immigration policy, the reconciliation process was originally used under Democratic administrations for more progressive policy items. Under President Barack Obama, reconciliation was used to pass health care reform in the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Under President Joe Biden, it was used to pass the American Rescue Plan and the Inflation Reduction Act.
It would be a bitch if you guys couldn't pass that budget.

allegorical oracle
(4,300 posts)Yo_Mama_Been_Loggin
(120,044 posts)I just like to interject my own sarcasm.
allegorical oracle
(4,300 posts)proud patriot
(101,677 posts)John Fugelsang says to fight them with mockery and humor .
Stephen (hair in a can) Miller is priceless
(5,212 posts)Odious prick.
Solly Mack
(94,368 posts)LaMouffette
(2,456 posts)Hugin
(35,830 posts)Especially, the health care.
Don't they have to give it to us before they take it away from the immigrants?
speak easy
(11,270 posts)
(2,787 posts)speak easy
(11,270 posts)I couldn't stop the nightmares when I was a kid. I have to force myself from pushing it all out of mind today. Sometimes I resort to Borat humor.
(73,530 posts)
(8,120 posts)From the same people who bitch about the debt. Because to Republicans - Tax cuts are "Magic Beans!"
(23,955 posts)Got it.
Kid Berwyn
(19,473 posts)The Nazis frequently used propaganda to disguise their political aims and deceive the German and international public. They depicted Germany as the victim of Allied and Jewish aggression to hide their true ideological goals and to justify war and violence against innocent civilians.
-- Holocaust Encyclopedia
(1,667 posts)...then make cars that look like dumpsters and some of them catch fire.
Frank D. Lincoln
(894 posts)Look at where we are now.
Many people also thought mass deportations would never actually happen because of how dependent we are on undocumented immigrants to provide much needed labor on our farms, in construction, etc.
Look at where we are now.
Furthermore, many people thought mass deportations would never actually happen because the sudden loss of all of those workers would sharply drive up prices, lead to higher inflation, and possibly crash the economy.
Look at where we are now.
The key questions involve scale. Will the Trump administration deport relatively few undocumented immigrants just for show (to appear to be delivering on a campaign promise to Trump's base)? Or will they go huge and mass deport 10+ million undocumented immigrants (with many legal U.S. citizens caught up in that net)?
If it's the latter, then this is really about race. This would be the opening salvo of their war against people of color.
(11,266 posts)The RepubliCONs are trying to EXTEND Trump's previous Trillion Dollar Tax given exclusively to the top 1%, and, in addition, also pass a NEW FOUR BILLION dollar ADDITION to the National debt limit, for them to use starting in a few days............
We had best post guards around Fort Knox before they exchange the Gold for all phony Crypto currency......
(597 posts)Americans have HEALTHCARE????
(23,586 posts)Initech
(104,107 posts)
(35,369 posts)Bengus81
(8,306 posts)and construction projects would grind to a halt.
(8,787 posts)Taken from:
(104,107 posts)
(44,217 posts)SpankMe
(3,399 posts)I remain unconvinced that illegal immigration - the presence of out-of-status people - is a real problem in the US. There is no evidence that these people are displacing US citizens for jobs in any significant way. There is no evidence that we are being "overrun". There is evidence that out-of-status immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than US citizens. There is ample evidence that these people fill a critical need for labor in areas that US persons decline to take on. There is data showing that deportations under Democratic presidents has been higher than deportations under Republican presidents, but we don't get "credit" for that by Republicans. There is data showing that the taxes that out-of-status people pay are greater than the cost of deporting them.
On top of all this, there is ample evidence and actual occurrences of the inhumanity of accelerated or increased deportation programs (I'm thinking substandard accommodations (i.e., "prison camps" ) and child separations).
We've brought large categorizations of laborers under some sort of legal status. We've given dreamers, and people who came as infants, a form of legal status. There are other categories in which we've conferred some sort of legal status on may immigrants. This leaves very few left who are eligible for deportation. We should focus on this smaller subgroup - which is what ICE has been focusing on, up t this point - and not talk of "mass deportations".
These Republicans can just eat my ass.
(57,596 posts)Did they think voting for Donnie would somehow "spare" them? Or were they just that opposed to a black woman running the country?
Make it make sense...
(57,596 posts)Which had wide bipartisan support and Donnie ordered Johnson to kill it so he'd "have an issue to run on"? And Johnson was so fucking stupid he openly admitted as much during a press conference?
Remember how fast that news story fell down the memory hole?
Remember how the media had normalized Donnie's fucking lawlessness and low-rent Mafia for so long to the point there wasn't even any outrage or scandal over the revelation that Donald Trump was essentially serving as a shadow Speaker of the House and had been directly controlling Johnson's every move?
This was just 8 months ago, folks...
(2,122 posts)Theyll shoot for the moon, Im sure. Hopefully either of the two congressional Parlimentarians will put the brakes on a lot of it. Provisions in the reconciliation bill are supposed to directly relate to the main purpose of the bill.
(1,608 posts)Beartracks
(13,785 posts)Republicans don't even like it when citizens receive benefits, much less non-citizens. Weirdly, he even includes health care in his definition of "gimmes" -- something Republicans fight tooth and nail to specifically PREVENT from being available as a right to all Americans.