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This message was self-deleted by its author (Frank D. Lincoln) on Wed Feb 5, 2025, 11:32 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

(65,120 posts)Frank D. Lincoln
(894 posts)Trump will make sure of it.
I only wonder who's going to become the world's first trillionaire, Elon Musk?
(65,120 posts)According to his long time friend and attorney Michael Cohen.
But Musk believes that he is the one who will become the world's first trillionaire.
I think Trump will try to be the first trillionaire.
So he is going to have to accrue a huge amount of money fast.
Which he can now do with little problem.
Frank D. Lincoln
(894 posts)Regarding Michael Cohen, I remember that back in September he announced that he was going to change his name and flee to a foreign country to protect himself in case Trump won the election (which, of course, Trump did win). Then, the very next day after Cohen's announcement, he changed his mind and is still here. I guess he's not afraid of Trump.
Regarding Elon Musk, Trump is going to be so powerful that if he wanted to, he could confiscate Musk's wealth and have him put in prison. Not that he'll do it (like you indicated, he won't need to). But he could do it given how much power he's going to wield.
If Donald Trump never existed and someone wrote a novel involving a fictitious character with an arc like Trump's real-life story, professional book critics would dismiss that novel as one of the most farfetched and ridiculous books ever written.
(65,120 posts)He wont need to but he loves revenge, power and wont tolerate competition.
And confiscating Musks assets would greatly appeal to Trump. And make him the richest man in the word quickly.
Trump is probably thinking about how and when he would do it.
When Musk is no longer useful to him.
Current events would be soundly rejected by Hollywood as a move script as too utterly unbelievable.
Frank D. Lincoln
(894 posts)He's not regarded as a stupid person.
I don't understand why Musk would help Trump come to power without being fully aware of Trump's character. I don't understand how Musk could be so short-sighted in seeking political favors from Trump without realizing the danger he'd face if (when) Trump turned on him. How could Musk not foresee that?
Another angle, though, involves Putin.
Musk has been in contact with Putin and Putin controls (or seems to control) Trump. Maybe Musk has assurance from Putin that he'll be protected from Trump. But then, why would Musk trust Putin?
(65,120 posts)Some say he is not really that smart, he is smart enough to steal other people's ideas
and con the US government into making him the richest man in the world.
And had some luck along the way.
His personal behavior is bizarre and nonsensical.
I call him foolish because he is playing with fire.
He is pals with two of the most dangerous men on the planet.
Trump could turn on him in a second and destroy him.
So would Putin.
If Musk thinks Putin would protect him, he is even dumber than I thought.
Frank D. Lincoln
(894 posts)It helps that you're also kind.
(65,120 posts)Ok just kidding.
I am not that smart. Just a political junkie since JFK ran against Nixon.
Degrees in political science and psychology.
And a long time therapist.
I just picked up a lot of information along the way, some say useless information.
(1,179 posts)but DEI and wokeness and brown people and snowflakes and transgender and LGBTQ are holding me back.
If we could just go back to 1957 when women, gays, brown people, etc knew that this is a Christian white mans world we wouldnt have these problems.
(36,721 posts)And an individual skin cell is more or less as valuable as a billionaire's money outside of the socially constructed value it has.